Source code for ska_tango_base.capability_device

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the SKACapability project
""" SKACapability

Capability handling device
# PROTECTED REGION ID(SKACapability.additionnal_import) ENABLED START #
# Tango imports
from tango import DebugIt
from tango.server import run, attribute, command, device_property

# SKA specific imports
from ska_tango_base import SKAObsDevice
from ska_tango_base.commands import ResponseCommand, ResultCode
# PROTECTED REGION END #    //  SKACapability.additionnal_imports

__all__ = ["SKACapability", "main"]

[docs]class SKACapability(SKAObsDevice): """ A Subarray handling device. It exposes the instances of configured capabilities. """
[docs] def init_command_objects(self): """ Sets up the command objects """ super().init_command_objects() self.register_command_object( "ConfigureInstances", self.ConfigureInstancesCommand( self, self.state_model, self.logger ) )
[docs] class InitCommand(SKAObsDevice.InitCommand):
[docs] def do(self): """ Stateless hook for device initialisation. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ super().do() device = device._activation_time = 0.0 device._configured_instances = 0 device._used_components = [""] message = "SKACapability Init command completed OK" return (ResultCode.OK, message)
# PROTECTED REGION ID(SKACapability.class_variable) ENABLED START # # PROTECTED REGION END # // SKACapability.class_variable # ----------------- # Device Properties # ----------------- CapType = device_property( dtype='str', ) CapID = device_property( dtype='str', ) subID = device_property( dtype='str', ) # ---------- # Attributes # ---------- activationTime = attribute( dtype='double', unit="s", standard_unit="s", display_unit="s", doc="Time of activation in seconds since Unix epoch.", ) """Device attribute.""" configuredInstances = attribute( dtype='uint16', doc="Number of instances of this Capability Type currently in use on this subarray.", ) """Device attribute.""" usedComponents = attribute( dtype=('str',), max_dim_x=100, doc="A list of components with no. of instances in use on this Capability.", ) """Device attribute.""" # --------------- # General methods # ---------------
[docs] def always_executed_hook(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(SKACapability.always_executed_hook) ENABLED START # pass
# PROTECTED REGION END # // SKACapability.always_executed_hook
[docs] def delete_device(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(SKACapability.delete_device) ENABLED START # pass
# PROTECTED REGION END # // SKACapability.delete_device # ------------------ # Attributes methods # ------------------
[docs] def read_activationTime(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(SKACapability.activationTime_read) ENABLED START # """ Reads time of activation since Unix epoch. :return: Activation time in seconds """ return self._activation_time
# PROTECTED REGION END # // SKACapability.activationTime_read
[docs] def read_configuredInstances(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(SKACapability.configuredInstances_read) ENABLED START # """ Reads the number of instances of a capability in the subarray :return: The number of configured instances of a capability in a subarray """ return self._configured_instances
# PROTECTED REGION END # // SKACapability.configuredInstances_read
[docs] def read_usedComponents(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(SKACapability.usedComponents_read) ENABLED START # """ Reads the list of components with no. of instances in use on this Capability :return: The number of components currently in use. """ return self._used_components
# PROTECTED REGION END # // SKACapability.usedComponents_read # -------- # Commands # --------
[docs] class ConfigureInstancesCommand(ResponseCommand): """ A class for the SKALoggerDevice's SetLoggingLevel() command. """
[docs] def do(self, argin): """ Stateless hook for ConfigureInstances()) command functionality. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ device = device._configured_instances = argin message = "ConfigureInstances command completed OK" return (ResultCode.OK, message)
[docs] @command( dtype_in='uint16', doc_in="The number of instances to configure for this Capability.", dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="(ReturnType, 'informational message')", ) @DebugIt() def ConfigureInstances(self, argin): # PROTECTED REGION ID(SKACapability.ConfigureInstances) ENABLED START # """ This function indicates how many number of instances of the current capacity should to be configured. To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class. :param argin: Number of instances to configure :return: None. """ command = self.get_command_object("ConfigureInstances") (return_code, message) = command(argin) return [[return_code], [message]]
# PROTECTED REGION END # // SKACapability.ConfigureInstances # ---------- # Run server # ---------- def main(args=None, **kwargs): # PROTECTED REGION ID(SKACapability.main) ENABLED START # """Main function of the SKACapability module.""" return run((SKACapability,), args=args, **kwargs) # PROTECTED REGION END # // SKACapability.main if __name__ == '__main__': main()