Source code for ska_tango_base.csp_subelement_obsdevice

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the CspSubElementObsDevice project

""" CspSubElementObsDevice

General observing device for SKA CSP Subelement.

# PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.additionnal_import) ENABLED START #
import json
import warnings
import numpy as np
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError

# Tango imports
import tango
from tango import DebugIt, DevState, AttrWriteType
from tango.server import run, attribute, command, device_property

# SKA specific imports
from ska_tango_base import SKAObsDevice, ObsDeviceStateModel
from ska_tango_base.commands import ResultCode, ActionCommand
from ska_tango_base.control_model import ObsState
from ska_tango_base.faults import CommandError
from ska_tango_base.csp_subelement_state_machine import CspSubElementObsDeviceStateMachine

__all__ = ["CspSubElementObsDevice", "CspSubElementObsDeviceStateModel", "main"]

class CspSubElementObsDeviceStateModel(ObsDeviceStateModel):
    Implements the state model for the CspSubElementObsDevice.

    :param logger: the logger to be used by this state model.
    :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library
       logger interface
    :param op_state_callback: A callback to be called when a
       transition implies a change to op state
    :type op_state_callback: callable
    :param admin_mode_callback: A callback to be called when a
       transition causes a change to device admin_mode
    :type admin_mode_callback: callable
    :param obs_state_callback: A callback to be called when a
       transition causes a change to device obs_state
    :type obs_state_callback: callable

    def __init__(
        action_breakdown = {
            # "action": ("action_on_obs_machine", "action_on_superclass"),
            "off_succeeded": ("to_IDLE", "off_succeeded"),
            "off_failed": ("to_IDLE", "off_failed"),
            "on_succeeded": (None, "on_succeeded"),
            "on_failed": ("to_IDLE", "on_failed"),
            "configure_started": ("configure_started", None),
            "configure_succeeded": ("configure_succeeded", None),
            "configure_failed": ("configure_failed", None),
            "scan_started": ("scan_started", None),
            "scan_succeeded": ("scan_succeeded", None),
            "scan_failed": ("scan_failed", None),
            "end_scan_succeeded": ("end_scan_succeeded", None),
            "end_scan_failed": ("end_scan_failed", None),
            "end_succeeded": ("end_succeeded", None),
            "end_failed": ("end_failed", None),
            "abort_started": ("abort_started", None),
            "abort_succeeded": ("abort_succeeded", None),
            "abort_failed": ("abort_failed", None),
            "obs_reset_succeeded": ("reset_succeeded", None),
            "obs_reset_failed": ("reset_failed", None),
            "fatal_error": ("fatal_error", None),

[docs]class CspSubElementObsDevice(SKAObsDevice): """ General observing device for SKA CSP Subelement. **Properties:** - Device Property DeviceID - Identification number of the observing device. - Type:'DevUShort' """ # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.class_variable) ENABLED START # # PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.class_variable # ----------------- # Device Properties # ----------------- DeviceID = device_property( dtype='DevUShort', default_value=1 ) # ---------- # Attributes # ---------- scanID = attribute( dtype='DevULong64', label="scanID", doc="The scan identification number to be inserted in the output\nproducts.", ) """Device attribute.""" configurationID = attribute( dtype='DevString', label="configurationID", doc="The configuration ID specified into the JSON configuration.", ) """Device attribute.""" deviceID = attribute( dtype='DevUShort', label="deviceID", doc="The observing device ID.", ) """Device attribute.""" lastScanConfiguration = attribute( dtype='DevString', label="lastScanConfiguration", doc="The last valid scan configuration.", ) """Device attribute.""" sdpDestinationAddresses = attribute( dtype='DevString', label="sdpDestinationAddresses", doc="JSON formatted string\nReport the list of all the SDP addresses provided by SDP" " to receive the output products.\nSpecifies the Mac, IP, Port for each resource:\nCBF:" " visibility channels\nPSS ? Pss pipelines\nPST ? PSTBeam\nNot used by al CSP Sub-element" " observing device (for ex. Mid CBF VCCs)", ) """Device attribute.""" sdpLinkCapacity = attribute( dtype='DevFloat', label="sdpLinkCapacity", doc="The SDP link capavity in GB/s.", ) """Device attribute.""" sdpLinkActive = attribute( dtype=('DevBoolean',), max_dim_x=100, label="sdpLinkActive", doc="Flag reporting if the SDP link is active.\nTrue: active\nFalse:down", ) """Device attribute.""" healthFailureMessage = attribute( dtype='DevString', label="healthFailureMessage", doc="Message providing info about device health failure.", ) """Device attribute.""" # --------------- # General methods # --------------- def _init_state_model(self): """ Sets up the state model for the device """ self.state_model = CspSubElementObsDeviceStateModel( logger=self.logger, op_state_callback=self._update_state, admin_mode_callback=self._update_admin_mode, obs_state_callback=self._update_obs_state, )
[docs] def init_command_objects(self): """ Sets up the command objects """ super().init_command_objects() device_args = (self, self.state_model, self.logger) self.register_command_object( "ConfigureScan", self.ConfigureScanCommand(*device_args) ) self.register_command_object( "Scan", self.ScanCommand(*device_args) ) self.register_command_object( "EndScan", self.EndScanCommand(*device_args) ) self.register_command_object( "GoToIdle", self.GoToIdleCommand(*device_args) ) self.register_command_object( "Abort", self.AbortCommand(*device_args) ) self.register_command_object( "ObsReset", self.ObsResetCommand(*device_args) )
[docs] class InitCommand(SKAObsDevice.InitCommand): """ A class for the CspSubElementObsDevice's init_device() "command". """
[docs] def do(self): """ Stateless hook for device initialisation. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ super().do() device = device._obs_state = ObsState.IDLE device._scan_id = 0 device._sdp_addresses = {"outputHost": [], "outputMac": [], "outputPort": []} # a sub-element obsdevice can have more than one link to the SDP # (for ex. Mid.CBF FSP) device._sdp_links_active = [False, ] device._sdp_links_capacity = 0. device._config_id = '' device._last_scan_configuration = '' device._health_failure_msg = '' message = "CspSubElementObsDevice Init command completed OK" return (ResultCode.OK, message)
[docs] def always_executed_hook(self): """Method always executed before any TANGO command is executed."""
# PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.always_executed_hook) ENABLED START # # PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.always_executed_hook
[docs] def delete_device(self): """Hook to delete resources allocated in init_device. This method allows for any memory or other resources allocated in the init_device method to be released. This method is called by the device destructor and by the device Init command. """
# PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.delete_device) ENABLED START # # PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.delete_device # ------------------ # Attributes methods # ------------------
[docs] def read_scanID(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.scanID_read) ENABLED START # """Return the scanID attribute.""" return self._scan_id
# PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.scanID_read
[docs] def read_configurationID(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.configurationID_read) ENABLED START # """Return the configurationID attribute.""" return self._config_id
# PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.configurationID_read
[docs] def read_deviceID(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.deviceID_read) ENABLED START # """Return the deviceID attribute.""" return self.DeviceID
# PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.deviceID_read
[docs] def read_lastScanConfiguration(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.lastScanConfiguration_read) ENABLED START # """Return the lastScanConfiguration attribute.""" return self._last_scan_configuration
# PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.lastScanConfiguration_read
[docs] def read_sdpDestinationAddresses(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.sdpDestinationAddresses_read) ENABLED START # """Return the sdpDestinationAddresses attribute.""" return json.dumps(self._sdp_addresses)
# PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.sdpDestinationAddresses_read
[docs] def read_sdpLinkCapacity(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.sdpLinkCapacity_read) ENABLED START # """Return the sdpLinkCapacity attribute.""" return self._sdp_links_capacity
# PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.sdpLinkCapacity_read
[docs] def read_sdpLinkActive(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.sdpLinkActive_read) ENABLED START # """Return the sdpLinkActive attribute.""" return self._sdp_links_active
# PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.sdpLinkActive_read
[docs] def read_healthFailureMessage(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.healthFailureMessage_read) ENABLED START # """Return the healthFailureMessage attribute.""" return self._health_failure_msg
# PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.healthFailureMessage_read # -------- # Commands # --------
[docs] class ConfigureScanCommand(ActionCommand): """ A class for the CspSubElementObsDevices's ConfigureScan command. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, logger=None): """ Constructor for ConfigureScanCommand :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the CspSubElementObsDevice device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`CspSubElementObsStateModel` :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__( target, state_model, "configure", start_action=True, logger=logger )
[docs] def do(self, argin): """ Stateless hook for ConfigureScan() command functionality. :param argin: The configuration as JSON formatted string :type argin: str :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) :raises: ``CommandError`` if the configuration data validation fails. """ device = # validate the input args (result_code, msg) = self.validate_input(argin) if result_code == ResultCode.OK: # store the configuration on command success device._last_scan_configuration = argin msg = "Configure command completed OK" return(result_code, msg)
[docs] def validate_input(self, argin): """ Validate the configuration parameters against allowed values, as needed. :param argin: The JSON formatted string with configuration for the device. :type argin: 'DevString' :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ device = try: configuration_dict = json.loads(argin) device._config_id = configuration_dict['id'] # call the method to validate the data sent with # the configuration, as needed. return (ResultCode.OK, "ConfigureScan arguments validation successfull") except (KeyError, JSONDecodeError) as err: msg = "Validate configuration failed with error:{}".format(err) except Exception as other_errs: msg = "Validate configuration failed with unknown error:{}".format( other_errs) self.logger.error(msg) return (ResultCode.FAILED, msg)
[docs] class ScanCommand(ActionCommand): """ A class for the CspSubElementObsDevices's Scan command. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, logger=None): """ Constructor for ScanCommand :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the CspSubElementObsDevice device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`CspSubElementObsStateModel` :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__( target, state_model, "scan", start_action=True, logger=logger )
[docs] def do(self, argin): """ Stateless hook for Scan() command functionality. :param argin: The scan ID. :type argin: str :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ device = (result_code, msg) = self.validate_input(argin) if result_code == ResultCode.OK: # store the configuration on command success device._scan_id = int(argin) return (ResultCode.STARTED, "Scan command started") return(result_code, msg)
[docs] def validate_input(self, argin): """ Validate the command input argument. :param argin: the scan id :type argin: string :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ if not argin.isdigit(): msg = f"Input argument '{argin}' is not an integer" self.logger.error(msg) return (ResultCode.FAILED, msg) return (ResultCode.OK, "Scan arguments validation successfull")
[docs] class EndScanCommand(ActionCommand): """ A class for the CspSubElementObsDevices's EndScan command. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, logger=None): """ Constructor for EndScanCommand :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the CspSubElementObsDevice device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`CspSubElementObsStateModel` :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__( target, state_model, "end_scan", logger=logger )
[docs] def do(self): """ Stateless hook for EndScan() command functionality. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ return (ResultCode.OK, "EndScan command completed OK")
[docs] class GoToIdleCommand(ActionCommand): """ A class for the CspSubElementObsDevices's GoToIdle command. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, logger=None): """ Constructor for GoToIdle Command. :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the CspSubElementObsDevice device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`CspSubElementObsStateModel` :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__( target, state_model, "end", logger=logger )
[docs] def do(self): """ Stateless hook for GoToIdle() command functionality. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ device = if device.state_model.obs_state == ObsState.IDLE: return (ResultCode.OK, "GoToIdle command completed OK. Device already IDLE") # reset to default values the configurationID and scanID device._config_id = '' device._scan_id = 0 device._last_scan_configuration = '' return (ResultCode.OK, "GoToIdle command completed OK")
[docs] class ObsResetCommand(ActionCommand): """ A class for the CspSubElementObsDevices's ObsReset command. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, logger=None): """ Constructor for ObsReset Command. :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the CspSubElementObsDevice device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`CspSubElementObsStateModel` :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__( target, state_model, "obs_reset", logger=logger )
[docs] def do(self): """ Stateless hook for ObsReset() command functionality. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ message = "ObsReset command completed OK" return (ResultCode.OK, message)
[docs] class AbortCommand(ActionCommand): """ A class for the CspSubElementObsDevices's Abort command. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, logger=None): """ Constructor for Abort Command. :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the CspSubElementObsDevice device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`CspSubElementObsStateModel` :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__( target, state_model, "abort", start_action=True, logger=logger )
[docs] def do(self): """ Stateless hook for Abort() command functionality. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ return (ResultCode.OK, "Abort command completed OK")
[docs] @command( dtype_in='DevString', doc_in="JSON formatted string with the scan configuration.", dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. " "The message is for information purpose only.", ) @DebugIt() def ConfigureScan(self, argin): # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.ConfigureScan) ENABLED START # """ Configure the observing device parameters for the current scan. :param argin: JSON formatted string with the scan configuration. :type argin: 'DevString' :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("ConfigureScan") (return_code, message) = command(argin) return [[return_code], [message]]
# PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.ConfigureScan
[docs] @command( dtype_in='DevString', doc_in="A string with the scan ID", dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status." "The message is for information purpose only.", ) @DebugIt() def Scan(self, argin): # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.Scan) ENABLED START # """ Start an observing scan. :param argin: A string with the scan ID :type argin: 'DevString' :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("Scan") (return_code, message) = command(argin) return [[return_code], [message]]
# PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.Scan
[docs] @command( dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status." "The message is for information purpose only.", ) @DebugIt() def EndScan(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.EndScan) ENABLED START # """ End a running scan. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("EndScan") (return_code, message) = command() return [[return_code], [message]]
# PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.EndScan
[docs] @command( dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status." "The message is for information purpose only.", ) @DebugIt() def GoToIdle(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.GoToIdle) ENABLED START # """ Transit the device from READY to IDLE obsState. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("GoToIdle") (return_code, message) = command() return [[return_code], [message]]
# PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.GoToIdle
[docs] @command( dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status." "The message is for information purpose only.", ) @DebugIt() def ObsReset(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.ObsReset) ENABLED START # """ Reset the observing device from a FAULT/ABORTED obsState to IDLE. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("ObsReset") (return_code, message) = command() return [[return_code], [message]]
# PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.ObsReset
[docs] @command( dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status." "The message is for information purpose only.", ) @DebugIt() def Abort(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.Abort) ENABLED START # """ Abort the current observing process and move the device to ABORTED obsState. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("Abort") (return_code, message) = command() return [[return_code], [message]]
# PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.Abort # ---------- # Run server # ---------- def main(args=None, **kwargs): """Main function of the CspSubElementObsDevice module.""" # PROTECTED REGION ID(CspSubElementObsDevice.main) ENABLED START # return run((CspSubElementObsDevice,), args=args, **kwargs) # PROTECTED REGION END # // CspSubElementObsDevice.main if __name__ == '__main__': main()