Source code for ska_tango_base.subarray_device

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the SKASubarray project
""" SKASubarray

A SubArray handling device. It allows the assigning/releasing of resources
into/from Subarray, configuring capabilities, and exposes the related
information like assigned resources, configured capabilities, etc.
# PROTECTED REGION ID(SKASubarray.additionnal_import) ENABLED START #
import json
import warnings

from tango import DebugIt, DevState
from tango.server import run, attribute, command
from tango.server import device_property

# SKA specific imports
from ska_tango_base import SKAObsDevice, ObsDeviceStateModel
from ska_tango_base.commands import ActionCommand, ResultCode
from ska_tango_base.control_model import AdminMode, ObsState
from ska_tango_base.faults import CapabilityValidationError, StateModelError
from ska_tango_base.state_machine import ObservationStateMachine
from ska_tango_base.utils import for_testing_only

# PROTECTED REGION END #    //  SKASubarray.additionnal_imports

__all__ = ["SKASubarray", "SKASubarrayStateModel", "main"]

[docs]class SKASubarrayStateModel(ObsDeviceStateModel): """ Implements the state model for the SKASubarray """ def __init__( self, logger, op_state_callback=None, admin_mode_callback=None, obs_state_callback=None, ): """ Initialises the model. Note that this does not imply moving to INIT state. The INIT state is managed by the model itself. :param logger: the logger to be used by this state model. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface :param op_state_callback: A callback to be called when a transition implies a change to op state :type op_state_callback: callable :param admin_mode_callback: A callback to be called when a transition causes a change to device admin_mode :type admin_mode_callback: callable :param obs_state_callback: A callback to be called when a transition causes a change to device obs_state :type obs_state_callback: callable """ action_breakdown = { # "action": ("action_on_obs_machine", "action_on_superclass"), "off_succeeded": ("to_EMPTY", "off_succeeded"), "off_failed": ("to_EMPTY", "off_failed"), "on_succeeded": (None, "on_succeeded"), "on_failed": ("to_EMPTY", "on_failed"), "assign_started": ("assign_started", None), "release_started": ("release_started", None), "resourcing_succeeded_some_resources": ( "resourcing_succeeded_some_resources", None, ), "resourcing_succeeded_no_resources": ( "resourcing_succeeded_no_resources", None, ), "resourcing_failed": ("resourcing_failed", None), "configure_started": ("configure_started", None), "configure_succeeded": ("configure_succeeded", None), "configure_failed": ("configure_failed", None), "scan_started": ("scan_started", None), "scan_succeeded": ("scan_succeeded", None), "scan_failed": ("scan_failed", None), "end_scan_succeeded": ("end_scan_succeeded", None), "end_scan_failed": ("end_scan_failed", None), "end_succeeded": ("end_succeeded", None), "end_failed": ("end_failed", None), "abort_started": ("abort_started", None), "abort_succeeded": ("abort_succeeded", None), "abort_failed": ("abort_failed", None), "obs_reset_started": ("reset_started", None), "obs_reset_succeeded": ("reset_succeeded", None), "obs_reset_failed": ("reset_failed", None), "restart_started": ("restart_started", None), "restart_succeeded": ("restart_succeeded", None), "restart_failed": ("restart_failed", None), "fatal_error": ("fatal_error", None), } super().__init__( action_breakdown, ObservationStateMachine, logger, op_state_callback=op_state_callback, admin_mode_callback=admin_mode_callback, obs_state_callback=obs_state_callback, )
[docs]class SKASubarrayResourceManager: """ A simple class for managing subarray resources """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor for SKASubarrayResourceManager """ self._resources = set() def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of resources currently assigned. Note that this also functions as a boolean method for whether there are any assigned resources: ``if len()``. :return: number of resources assigned :rtype: int """ return len(self._resources)
[docs] def assign(self, resources): """ Assign some resources :todo: Currently implemented for testing purposes to take a JSON string encoding a dictionary with key 'example'. In future this will take a collection of resources. :param resources: JSON-encoding of a dictionary, with resources to assign under key 'example' :type resources: JSON string """ resources_dict = json.loads(resources) add_resources = resources_dict['example'] self._resources |= set(add_resources)
[docs] def release(self, resources): """ Release some resources :todo: Currently implemented for testing purposes to take a JSON string encoding a dictionary with key 'example'. In future this will take a collection of resources. :param resources: JSON-encoding of a dictionary, with resources to assign under key 'example' :type resources: JSON string """ resources_dict = json.loads(resources) drop_resources = resources_dict['example'] self._resources -= set(drop_resources)
[docs] def release_all(self): """ Release all resources """ self._resources.clear()
[docs] def get(self): """ Get current resources :return: a set of current resources. :rtype: set of string """ return set(self._resources)
[docs]class SKASubarray(SKAObsDevice): """ Implements the SKA SubArray device """
[docs] class InitCommand(SKAObsDevice.InitCommand): """ A class for the SKASubarray's init_device() "command". """
[docs] def do(self): """ Stateless hook for device initialisation. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ super().do() device = device.resource_manager = SKASubarrayResourceManager() device._activation_time = 0.0 # device._configured_capabilities is kept as a # dictionary internally. The keys and values will represent # the capability type name and the number of instances, # respectively. try: device._configured_capabilities = dict.fromkeys( device.CapabilityTypes, 0 ) except TypeError: # Might need to have the device property be mandatory in the database. device._configured_capabilities = {} message = "SKASubarray Init command completed OK" return (ResultCode.OK, message)
class _ResourcingCommand(ActionCommand): """ An abstract base class for SKASubarray's resourcing commands. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, action_hook, logger=None): """ Constructor for _ResourcingCommand :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the SKASubarray device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`SKASubarrayStateModel` :param action_hook: a hook for the command, used to build actions that will be sent to the state model; for example, if the hook is "scan", then success of the command will result in action "scan_succeeded" being sent to the state model. :type action_hook: string :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__( target, state_model, action_hook, start_action=True, logger=logger ) def succeeded(self): """ Action to take on successful completion of a resourcing command. """ if len( action = "resourcing_succeeded_some_resources" else: action = "resourcing_succeeded_no_resources" self.state_model.perform_action(action) def failed(self): """ Action to take on failed completion of a resourcing command. """ self.state_model.perform_action("resourcing_failed")
[docs] class AssignResourcesCommand(_ResourcingCommand): """ A class for SKASubarray's AssignResources() command. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, logger=None): """ Constructor for AssignResourcesCommand :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the SKASubarray device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`SKASubarrayStateModel` :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__(target, state_model, "assign", logger=logger)
[docs] def do(self, argin): """ Stateless hook for AssignResources() command functionality. :param argin: The resources to be assigned :type argin: list of str :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ resource_manager = resource_manager.assign(argin) message = "AssignResources command completed OK" return (ResultCode.OK, message)
[docs] class ReleaseResourcesCommand(_ResourcingCommand): """ A class for SKASubarray's ReleaseResources() command. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, logger=None): """ Constructor for OnCommand() :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the SKASubarray device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`SKASubarrayStateModel` :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__(target, state_model, "release", logger=logger)
[docs] def do(self, argin): """ Stateless hook for ReleaseResources() command functionality. :param argin: The resources to be released :type argin: list of str :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ resource_manager = resource_manager.release(argin) message = "ReleaseResources command completed OK" return (ResultCode.OK, message)
[docs] class ReleaseAllResourcesCommand(ReleaseResourcesCommand): """ A class for SKASubarray's ReleaseAllResources() command. """
[docs] def do(self): """ Stateless hook for ReleaseAllResources() command functionality. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ resource_manager = resource_manager.release_all() if len(resource_manager): message = "ReleaseAllResources command failed to release all." return (ResultCode.FAILED, message) else: message = "ReleaseAllResources command completed OK" return (ResultCode.OK, message)
[docs] class ConfigureCommand(ActionCommand): """ A class for SKASubarray's Configure() command. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, logger=None): """ Constructor for ConfigureCommand :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the SKASubarray device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`SKASubarrayStateModel` :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__( target, state_model, "configure", start_action=True, logger=logger )
[docs] def do(self, argin): """ Stateless hook for Configure() command functionality. :param argin: The configuration as JSON :type argin: str :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ device = # In this example implementation, the keys of the dict # are the capability types, and the values are the # integer number of instances required. # E.g., config = {"BAND1": 5, "BAND2": 3} config = json.loads(argin) capability_types = list(config.keys()) device._validate_capability_types(capability_types) # Perform the configuration. for capability_type, capability_instances in config.items(): device._configured_capabilities[capability_type] += capability_instances message = "Configure command completed OK" return (ResultCode.OK, message)
[docs] class ScanCommand(ActionCommand): """ A class for SKASubarray's Scan() command. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, logger=None): """ Constructor for ScanCommand :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the SKASubarray device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`SKASubarrayStateModel` :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__( target, state_model, "scan", start_action=True, logger=logger )
[docs] def do(self, argin): """ Stateless hook for Scan() command functionality. :param argin: Scan info :type argin: str :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ # we do a json.loads just for basic string validation message = f"Scan command STARTED - config {json.loads(argin)}" return (ResultCode.STARTED, message)
[docs] class EndScanCommand(ActionCommand): """ A class for SKASubarray's EndScan() command. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, logger=None): """ Constructor for EndScanCommand :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the SKASubarray device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`SKASubarrayStateModel` :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__(target, state_model, "end_scan", logger=logger)
[docs] def do(self): """ Stateless hook for EndScan() command functionality. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ message = "EndScan command completed OK" return (ResultCode.OK, message)
[docs] class EndCommand(ActionCommand): """ A class for SKASubarray's End() command. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, logger=None): """ Constructor for EndCommand :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the SKASubarray device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`SKASubarrayStateModel` :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__(target, state_model, "end", logger=logger)
[docs] def do(self): """ Stateless hook for End() command functionality. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ device = device._deconfigure() message = "End command completed OK" return (ResultCode.OK, message)
[docs] class AbortCommand(ActionCommand): """ A class for SKASubarray's Abort() command. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, logger=None): """ Constructor for AbortCommand :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the SKASubarray device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`SKASubarrayStateModel` :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__( target, state_model, "abort", start_action=True, logger=logger )
[docs] def do(self): """ Stateless hook for Abort() command functionality. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ message = "Abort command completed OK" return (ResultCode.OK, message)
[docs] class ObsResetCommand(ActionCommand): """ A class for SKASubarray's ObsReset() command. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, logger=None): """ Constructor for ObsResetCommand :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the SKASubarray device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`SKASubarrayStateModel` :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__( target, state_model, "obs_reset", start_action=True, logger=logger )
[docs] def do(self): """ Stateless hook for ObsReset() command functionality. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ device = # We might have interrupted a long-running command such as a Configure # or a Scan, so we need to clean up from that. # Now totally deconfigure device._deconfigure() message = "ObsReset command completed OK" return (ResultCode.OK, message)
[docs] class RestartCommand(ActionCommand): """ A class for SKASubarray's Restart() command. """ def __init__(self, target, state_model, logger=None): """ Constructor for RestartCommand :param target: the object that this command acts upon; for example, the SKASubarray device for which this class implements the command :type target: object :param state_model: the state model that this command uses to check that it is allowed to run, and that it drives with actions. :type state_model: :py:class:`SKASubarrayStateModel` :param logger: the logger to be used by this Command. If not provided, then a default module logger will be used. :type logger: a logger that implements the standard library logger interface """ super().__init__( target, state_model, "restart", start_action=True, logger=logger )
[docs] def do(self): """ Stateless hook for Restart() command functionality. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ device = # We might have interrupted a long-running command such as a Configure # or a Scan, so we need to clean up from that. # Now totally deconfigure device._deconfigure() # and release all resources device.resource_manager.release_all() message = "Restart command completed OK" return (ResultCode.OK, message)
# PROTECTED REGION ID(SKASubarray.class_variable) ENABLED START # def _init_state_model(self): """ Sets up the state model for the device """ self.state_model = SKASubarrayStateModel( logger=self.logger, op_state_callback=self._update_state, admin_mode_callback=self._update_admin_mode, obs_state_callback=self._update_obs_state, )
[docs] def init_command_objects(self): """ Sets up the command objects """ super().init_command_objects() device_args = (self, self.state_model, self.logger) resource_args = (self.resource_manager, self.state_model, self.logger) self.register_command_object( "AssignResources", self.AssignResourcesCommand(*resource_args) ) self.register_command_object( "ReleaseResources", self.ReleaseResourcesCommand(*resource_args) ) self.register_command_object( "ReleaseAllResources", self.ReleaseAllResourcesCommand(*resource_args) ) self.register_command_object("Configure", self.ConfigureCommand(*device_args)) self.register_command_object("Scan", self.ScanCommand(*device_args)) self.register_command_object("EndScan", self.EndScanCommand(*device_args)) self.register_command_object("End", self.EndCommand(*device_args)) self.register_command_object("Abort", self.AbortCommand(*device_args)) self.register_command_object("ObsReset", self.ObsResetCommand(*device_args)) self.register_command_object("Restart", self.RestartCommand(*device_args))
def _validate_capability_types(self, capability_types): """ Check the validity of the input parameter passed to the Configure command. :param device: the device for which this class implements the configure command :type device: :py:class:`SKASubarray` :param capability_types: a list strings representing capability types. :type capability_types: list :raises CapabilityValidationError: If any of the capabilities requested are not valid. """ invalid_capabilities = list( set(capability_types) - set(self._configured_capabilities)) if invalid_capabilities: raise CapabilityValidationError( "Invalid capability types requested {}".format( invalid_capabilities ) ) def _deconfigure(self): """ Completely deconfigure the subarray """ self._configured_capabilities = {k: 0 for k in self._configured_capabilities} # ----------------- # Device Properties # ----------------- CapabilityTypes = device_property( dtype=('str',), ) SubID = device_property( dtype='str', ) # ---------- # Attributes # ---------- activationTime = attribute( dtype='double', unit="s", standard_unit="s", display_unit="s", doc="Time of activation in seconds since Unix epoch.", ) """Device attribute.""" assignedResources = attribute( dtype=('str',), max_dim_x=100, doc="The list of resources assigned to the subarray.", ) """Device attribute.""" configuredCapabilities = attribute( dtype=('str',), max_dim_x=10, doc="A list of capability types with no. of instances " "in use on this subarray; " "e.g.\nCorrelators:512, PssBeams:4, " "PstBeams:4, VlbiBeams:0.", ) """Device attribute.""" # --------------- # General methods # ---------------
[docs] def always_executed_hook(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(SKASubarray.always_executed_hook) ENABLED START # """ Method that is always executed before any device command gets executed. """ pass
# PROTECTED REGION END # // SKASubarray.always_executed_hook
[docs] def delete_device(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(SKASubarray.delete_device) ENABLED START # """ Method to cleanup when device is stopped. """ pass
# PROTECTED REGION END # // SKASubarray.delete_device # ------------------ # Attributes methods # ------------------
[docs] def read_activationTime(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(SKASubarray.activationTime_read) ENABLED START # """ Reads the time since device is activated. :return: Time of activation in seconds since Unix epoch. """ return self._activation_time
# PROTECTED REGION END # // SKASubarray.activationTime_read
[docs] def read_assignedResources(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(SKASubarray.assignedResources_read) ENABLED START # """ Reads the resources assigned to the device. :return: Resources assigned to the device. """ return sorted(self.resource_manager.get())
# PROTECTED REGION END # // SKASubarray.assignedResources_read
[docs] def read_configuredCapabilities(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(SKASubarray.configuredCapabilities_read) ENABLED START # """ Reads capabilities configured in the Subarray. :return: A list of capability types with no. of instances used in the Subarray """ configured_capabilities = [] for capability_type, capability_instances in list( self._configured_capabilities.items() ): configured_capabilities.append( "{}:{}".format(capability_type, capability_instances)) return sorted(configured_capabilities)
# PROTECTED REGION END # // SKASubarray.configuredCapabilities_read # -------- # Commands # --------
[docs] def is_AssignResources_allowed(self): """ Check if command `AssignResources` is allowed in the current device state. :raises ``tango.DevFailed``: if the command is not allowed :return: ``True`` if the command is allowed :rtype: boolean """ command = self.get_command_object("AssignResources") return command.check_allowed()
[docs] @command( dtype_in="DevString", doc_in="JSON-encoded string with the resources to add to subarray", dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="(ReturnType, 'informational message')", ) @DebugIt() def AssignResources(self, argin): """ Assign resources to this subarray To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class. :param argin: the resources to be assigned :type argin: list of str :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("AssignResources") (return_code, message) = command(argin) return [[return_code], [message]]
[docs] def is_ReleaseResources_allowed(self): """ Check if command `ReleaseResources` is allowed in the current device state. :raises ``tango.DevFailed``: if the command is not allowed :return: ``True`` if the command is allowed :rtype: boolean """ command = self.get_command_object("ReleaseResources") return command.check_allowed()
[docs] @command( dtype_in="DevString", doc_in="JSON-encoded string with the resources to remove from the subarray", dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="(ReturnType, 'informational message')", ) @DebugIt() def ReleaseResources(self, argin): """ Delta removal of assigned resources. To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class. :param argin: the resources to be released :type argin: list of str :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("ReleaseResources") (return_code, message) = command(argin) return [[return_code], [message]]
[docs] def is_ReleaseAllResources_allowed(self): """ Check if command `ReleaseAllResources` is allowed in the current device state. :raises ``tango.DevFailed``: if the command is not allowed :return: ``True`` if the command is allowed :rtype: boolean """ command = self.get_command_object("ReleaseAllResources") return command.check_allowed()
[docs] @command( dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="(ReturnType, 'informational message')", ) @DebugIt() def ReleaseAllResources(self): """ Remove all resources to tear down to an empty subarray. To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("ReleaseAllResources") (return_code, message) = command() return [[return_code], [message]]
[docs] def is_Configure_allowed(self): """ Check if command `Configure` is allowed in the current device state. :raises ``tango.DevFailed``: if the command is not allowed :return: ``True`` if the command is allowed :rtype: boolean """ command = self.get_command_object("Configure") return command.check_allowed()
[docs] @command( dtype_in="DevString", doc_in="JSON-encoded string with the scan configuration", dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="(ReturnType, 'informational message')", ) @DebugIt() def Configure(self, argin): """ Configures the capabilities of this subarray To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class. :param argin: configuration specification :type argin: string :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("Configure") (return_code, message) = command(argin) return [[return_code], [message]]
[docs] def is_Scan_allowed(self): """ Check if command `Scan` is allowed in the current device state. :raises ``tango.DevFailed``: if the command is not allowed :return: ``True`` if the command is allowed :rtype: boolean """ command = self.get_command_object("Scan") return command.check_allowed()
[docs] @command( dtype_in="DevString", doc_in="JSON-encoded string with the per-scan configuration", dtype_out="DevVarLongStringArray", doc_out="(ReturnType, 'informational message')", ) @DebugIt() def Scan(self, argin): """ Start scanning To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class. :param argin: Information about the scan :type argin: Array of str :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("Scan") (return_code, message) = command(argin) return [[return_code], [message]]
[docs] def is_EndScan_allowed(self): """ Check if command `EndScan` is allowed in the current device state. :raises ``tango.DevFailed``: if the command is not allowed :return: ``True`` if the command is allowed :rtype: boolean """ command = self.get_command_object("EndScan") return command.check_allowed()
[docs] @command( dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="(ReturnType, 'informational message')", ) @DebugIt() def EndScan(self): """ End the scan To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("EndScan") (return_code, message) = command() return [[return_code], [message]]
[docs] def is_End_allowed(self): """ Check if command `End` is allowed in the current device state. :raises ``tango.DevFailed``: if the command is not allowed :return: ``True`` if the command is allowed :rtype: boolean """ command = self.get_command_object("End") return command.check_allowed()
[docs] @command( dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="(ReturnType, 'informational message')", ) @DebugIt() def End(self): # PROTECTED REGION ID(SKASubarray.EndSB) ENABLED START # """ End the scan block. To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("End") (return_code, message) = command() return [[return_code], [message]]
[docs] def is_Abort_allowed(self): """ Check if command `Abort` is allowed in the current device state. :raises ``tango.DevFailed``: if the command is not allowed :return: ``True`` if the command is allowed :rtype: boolean """ command = self.get_command_object("Abort") return command.check_allowed()
[docs] @command( dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="(ReturnType, 'informational message')", ) @DebugIt() def Abort(self): """ Abort any long-running command such as ``Configure()`` or ``Scan()``. To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("Abort") (return_code, message) = command() return [[return_code], [message]]
[docs] def is_ObsReset_allowed(self): """ Check if command `ObsReset` is allowed in the current device state. :raises ``tango.DevFailed``: if the command is not allowed :return: ``True`` if the command is allowed :rtype: boolean """ command = self.get_command_object("ObsReset") return command.check_allowed()
[docs] @command( dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="(ReturnType, 'informational message')", ) @DebugIt() def ObsReset(self): """ Reset the current observation process. To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("ObsReset") (return_code, message) = command() return [[return_code], [message]]
[docs] def is_Restart_allowed(self): """ Check if command `Restart` is allowed in the current device state. :raises ``tango.DevFailed``: if the command is not allowed :return: ``True`` if the command is allowed :rtype: boolean """ command = self.get_command_object("Restart") return command.check_allowed()
[docs] @command( dtype_out='DevVarLongStringArray', doc_out="(ReturnType, 'informational message')", ) @DebugIt() def Restart(self): """ Restart the subarray. That is, deconfigure and release all resources. To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class. :return: A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only. :rtype: (ResultCode, str) """ command = self.get_command_object("Restart") (return_code, message) = command() return [[return_code], [message]]
# ---------- # Run server # ---------- def main(args=None, **kwargs): # PROTECTED REGION ID(SKASubarray.main) ENABLED START # """ Main entry point of the module. :param args: positional args to :param kwargs: named args to :return: exit code """ return run((SKASubarray,), args=args, **kwargs) # PROTECTED REGION END # // SKASubarray.main if __name__ == '__main__': main()