SKA BaseDevice

This module implements a generic base model and device for SKA. It exposes the generic attributes, properties and commands of an SKA device.

class ska_tango_base.DeviceStateModel(logger, op_state_callback=None, admin_mode_callback=None)

Implements the state model for the SKABaseDevice.

This implementation contains separate state machines for adminMode and opState. Since the two are slightly but inextricably coupled, the opState machine includes “ADMIN” flavours for the “INIT”, “FAULT” and “DISABLED” states, to represent states where the device has been administratively disabled via the adminModes “RESERVED”, “NOT_FITTED” and “OFFLINE”. This model drives the two state machines to ensure they remain coherent.


Returns the admin_mode

Returns:admin_mode of this state model
Return type:AdminMode

Whether a given action is allowed in the current state.

Parameters:action (str) – an action, as given in the transitions table
Raises:StateModelError – if the action is unknown to the state machine
Returns:whether the action is allowed in the current state
Return type:bool

Returns the op_state of this state model

Returns:op_state of this state model
Return type:tango.DevState

Performs an action on the state model

Parameters:action (ANY) – an action, as given in the transitions table
Raises:StateModelError – if the action is not allowed in the current state

Checks whether a given action is allowed in the current state, and raises a StateModelError if it is not.

Parameters:action (str) – an action, as given in the transitions table
Raises:StateModelError – if the action is not allowed in the current state
Returns:True if the action is allowed
Return type:boolean
class ska_tango_base.SKABaseDevice(*args, **kwargs)

A generic base device for SKA.


Put the device into disabled mode

To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
class DisableCommand(target, state_model, logger=None)

A class for the SKABaseDevice’s Disable() command.


Stateless hook for Disable() command functionality.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)

Returns the version information of the device.

To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class.

Returns:Version details of the device.
class GetVersionInfoCommand(target, state_model, logger=None)

A class for the SKABaseDevice’s Reset() command.


Stateless hook for device GetVersionInfo() command.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)

Used by autodoc_mock_imports.

class InitCommand(target, state_model, logger=None)

A class for the SKABaseDevice’s init_device() “command”.


Stateless hook for device initialisation.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)

Callback for the successful completion of the command.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Turn the device off

To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
class OffCommand(target, state_model, logger=None)

A class for the SKABaseDevice’s Off() command.


Stateless hook for Off() command functionality.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)

Turn device on

To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
class OnCommand(target, state_model, logger=None)

A class for the SKABaseDevice’s On() command.


Stateless hook for On() command functionality.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)

Reset the device from the FAULT state.

To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
class ResetCommand(target, state_model, logger=None)

A class for the SKABaseDevice’s Reset() command.


Checks whether the command is allowed to be run in the current state of the state model.

Returns:True if the command is allowed to be run

Stateless hook for device reset.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)

Whether this command is allowed to run in the current state of the state model.

Returns:whether this command is allowed to run
Return type:boolean

Action to take on successful completion of a reset


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Put the device into standby mode

To modify behaviour for this command, modify the do() method of the command class.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
class StandbyCommand(target, state_model, logger=None)

A class for the SKABaseDevice’s Standby() command.


Stateless hook for Standby() command functionality.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)

Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Method that is always executed before any device command gets executed.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Method to cleanup when device is stopped.


Returns the command object (handler) for a given command.

Parameters:command_name (str) – name of the command for which a command object (handler) is sought
Returns:the registered command object (handler) for the command
Return type:Command instance

Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Creates and registers command objects (handlers) for the commands supported by this device.


Initializes the tango device after startup.

Subclasses that have no need to override the default default implementation of state management may leave init_device() alone. Override the do() method on the nested class InitCommand instead.


Check if command Disable is allowed in the current device state.

Raises:tango.DevFailed – if the command is not allowed
Returns:True if the command is allowed
Return type:boolean

Check if command Off is allowed in the current device state.

Raises:tango.DevFailed – if the command is not allowed
Returns:True if the command is allowed
Return type:boolean

Check if command On is allowed in the current device state.

Raises:tango.DevFailed – if the command is not allowed
Returns:True if the command is allowed
Return type:boolean

Whether the Reset() command is allowed to be run in the current state

Returns:whether the Reset() command is allowed to be run in the current state
Return type:boolean

Check if command Standby is allowed in the current device state.

Raises:tango.DevFailed – if the command is not allowed
Returns:True if the command is allowed
Return type:boolean

Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Reads Admin Mode of the device.

Returns:Admin Mode of the device
Return type:AdminMode

Reads the Build State of the device.

Returns:the build state of the device

Reads Control Mode of the device.

Returns:Control Mode of the device

Reads Health State of the device.

Returns:Health State of the device

Reads logging level of the device.

Returns:Logging level of the device.

Reads the additional logging targets of the device.

Note that this excludes the handlers provided by the ska_ser_logging library defaults.

Returns:Logging level of the device.

Reads Simulation Mode of the device.

Returns:Simulation Mode of the device.

Reads Test Mode of the device.

Returns:Test Mode of the device

Reads the Version Id of the device.

Returns:the version id of the device
register_command_object(command_name, command_object)

Registers a command object as the object to handle invocations of a given command

  • command_name (str) – name of the command for which the object is being registered
  • command_object (Command instance) – the object that will handle invocations of the given command

Helper method for setting device state, ensuring that change events are pushed.

Parameters:state (tango.DevState) – the new state

Helper method for setting device status, ensuring that change events are pushed.

Parameters:status (str) – the new status

Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Sets Admin Mode of the device.

Parameters:value (AdminMode) – Admin Mode of the device.
Raises:ValueError – for unknown adminMode

Sets Control Mode of the device.

Parameters:value – Control mode value

Sets logging level for the device. Both the Python logger and the Tango logger are updated.

Parameters:value – Logging level for logger
Raises:LoggingLevelError – for invalid value

Sets the additional logging targets for the device.

Note that this excludes the handlers provided by the ska_ser_logging library defaults.

Parameters:value – Logging targets for logger

Sets Simulation Mode of the device

Parameters:value – SimulationMode

Sets Test Mode of the device.

Parameters:value – Test Mode