
LowCbfFpga is a Tango device server for monitoring and control of registers in the Low.CBF signal processing FPGAs. It’s a lightweight wrapper around an AlveoCL “core” object, which communicates to the Alveo FPGA modules using PyOpenCL.

Simulation Mode

At present, the simulationMode attribute is read-only, and reflects whether the AlveoCL core failed to be instantiated. That is, “False” implies a connection to an FPGA.

Upon failure to create its AlveoCL core, the Tango device will create a dummy core. The dummy core handles reads & writes of attributes, obviously using the PC memory and no interface to any FPGA.

Continuous Integration

The current CI tests of this device use DeviceTestContext and do not require a full Tango system.


Instatiating an AlveoCL object requires arguments for firmware, logger, memory, and card number.

  • Firmware is the path to an xclbin file.
  • Logger should hopefully be compatible with a standard python logger - it just needs to be an object with .debug, .info, etc methods.
  • Memories have a size in bytes, and a boolean “shared” flag (False means the memory is FPGA-only, True means shared with the PC).

Memory config must match the parameters of the firmware kernel.


from ska.low_cbf_mcs.alveo_cl import AlveoCL, MemConfig
memories = [
    MemConfig(1024 * 4, True), # 1024 words for register interchange
    MemConfig(1 << 30, True), # 1GiB
    MemConfig(128 << 20, True), # 128MiB
fpga = AlveoCL(
    "/app/my_kernel.xclbin", device.logger, mem_config=memories

Registers system.args_magic_number and system.fpga_uptime are created at object instantiation, but fpgamap is not parsed until start is called. (At present, a hard-coded filter selects only the ‘system’ and ‘packetiser’ peripherals)


Reading & writing to FPGA registers is then performed using nested array syntax. Reads return an FpgaRegister, which contains value, time, etc.

# read example
print("Packets transmitted", fpga["packetiser"]["eth100g_tx_total_packets"].value)

# write example
fpga["packetiser"]["psr_ctrl_vector"] = 3


A command-line (i.e. non-Tango) demonstration of OpenCL FPGA communications.

Command-Line Arguments

-m <size><k|M|G><s|i>

Configure memory buffers. Numeric size, followed by scale (k=1024, M=k*1024, G=M*1024), then ‘s’ for shared between FPGA and host or ‘i’ for internal to FPGA. Multiple buffers may be specified, seperated by spaces or colons.

-f <path>

Path to the firmware (xclbin) file

-d <card number>

FPGA register addresses are hard-coded at present.


python3 src/ska/low_cbf_mcs/fpga_cmdline.py -m "1Gs 128Ms" -f Packetiser_Dec_2020/current_u50LV.xclbin -d 8

Press H in the CLI for further help.