Workflow Development

The steps to develop and test an SDP workflow are as follows:

  • Clone the sdp-prototype repository from GitLab and create a new branch for your work.

  • Create a directory for your workflow in src/workflows:

    $ mkdir src/workflows/<my-workflow>
    $ cd src/workflows/<my-workflow>
  • Write the workflow script (<my-workflow>.py). See the existing workflows for examples of how to do this.

  • Create a Dockerfile for building the workflow image, e.g.

    FROM python:3.7
    RUN pip install ska_sdp_config
    WORKDIR /app
    COPY <my-workflow>.py .
    ENTRYPOINT ["python", "<my-workflow>.py"]
  • Create a file called version.txt containing the semantic version number of the workflow.

  • Create a Makefile containing

    NAME := workflow-<my-workflow>
    VERSION := $(shell cat version.txt)
    include ../../make/Makefile
  • Build the workflow image:

    $ make build
  • Push the image to the Nexus repository:

    $ make push
  • Add the workflow to the workflow definition file src/workflows/workflows.json.

  • Commit the changes to your branch and push to GitLab.

  • You can then test the workflow by starting SDP with the processing controller workflows URL pointing to your branch in GitLab:

    $ helm install sdp-prototype -n sdp-prototype \
      --set processing_controller.workflows.url=<my-branch>/src/workflows/workflows.json
  • Then create a processing block to run the workflow, either via the Tango interface, or by creating it directly in the config DB with sdpcfg.

Additional steps to build a custom execution engine

If you want to use a custom execution engine (EE) in your workflow, the additional steps you need to do are:

  • Create a directory in src for your EE.

  • Add the EE code.

  • Build the EE Docker image(s) and push it/them to the Nexus repository.

  • Add a Helm chart to deploy the EE containers in src/helm_deploy/charts.

  • Add the custom EE deployment to the workflow script.

  • Commit changes to your branch and push to GitLab.

  • When testing, you also need to point the Helm deployer to your branch of the repository:

    $ helm install sdp-prototype -n sdp-prototype \
      --set processing_controller.workflows.url=<my-branch>/src/workflows/workflows.json \
      --set helm_deploy.chart_repo.ref=<my-branch>