
To pull the required Docker images from the SKA Docker registry, execute:

# download all required Docker images
make pull

Optional: the images can be pulled from an alternate registry and/or account by supplying the DOCKER_REGISTRY_HOST and DOCKER_REGISTRY_USER Makefile variables respectively, e.g.,

# download foo/tango-cpp, foo/tango-jive, etc. from a registry at
# localhost:5000

To start WebJive and a minimal Tango system, execute:

# start WebJive and a Tango control system
make up

To start TMC devices, execute:

# start TMC devices
make tmc

Optional applications and device servers can be launched by calling the start make target followed by the name of the service. For example:

# run Jive
make start jive
# run tangotest
make start tangotest

To display the status of the Docker services, execute

# print status of Docker services
make status

Running services can be stopped individually or as a whole using the stop make target or down make target respectively. For instance,

# stop just the tangotest device server, leaving other services running
make stop tangotest
# stop all services and tear down the system
make down

After starting the WebJive containers and any required additional containers, navigate to http://localhost:22484/testdb to access WebJive. The following credentials can be used:
