Logging Transaction

This module provides the transaction logging mechanism.

class AsyncTransaction(name, params={}, transaction_id='', transaction_id_key='transaction_id', logger=None)[source]
class Transaction(name, params={}, transaction_id='', transaction_id_key='transaction_id', logger=None)[source]
class TransactionBase(name, params={}, transaction_id='', transaction_id_key='transaction_id', logger=None)[source]

Transaction context handler.


- Transaction ID::
* Re-use existing transaction ID, if available
* If no transaction ID, or empty or None, then generate a new ID
* context handler returns the transaction ID used
- Log messages on entry, exit, and exception
def command(self, parameter_json):
    parameters = json.reads(parameter_json)
    with transaction('My Command', parameters) as transaction_id:
        # ...
        parameters['transaction_id'] = transaction_id
        # ...

def command(self, parameter_json):
    parameters = json.reads(parameter_json)
    with transaction('My Command', parameters, transaction_id="123") as transaction_id:
        # ...
        parameters['transaction_id'] = transaction_id
        # ...

def command(self, parameter_json):
    parameters = json.reads(parameter_json)
    parameters["txn_id_key"] = 123
    with transaction('My Command', parameters, transaction_id_key="txn_id_key")
        as transaction_id:
        # ...
        parameters['transaction_id'] = transaction_id
        # ...
Log message formats:
On Entry:
Transaction[id]: Enter[name] with parameters [arguments] marker[marker]
On Exit:
Transaction[id]: Exit[name] marker[marker]
On exception:
Transaction[id]: Exception[name] marker[marker]
__init__(name, params={}, transaction_id='', transaction_id_key='transaction_id', logger=None)[source]

Create the transaction context handler.

A new transaction ID is generated if none is passed in via transaction_id or in params.

If there is a transaction ID in params and transaction_id is also passed in then the passed in transaction_id will take precedence.

However, if both transaction IDs provided in params and transaction_id are deemed invalid (not a string or an empty string), then a new transaction ID will be generated.

By default the key transaction_id will be used to get a transaction ID out of params. If a different key is required then transaction_id_key can be specified.

  • name (str) – A description for the context. This is usually the Tango device command.

  • params (dict) – The parameters will be logged and will be used to retrieve the transaction ID if transaction_id is not passed in, defaults to {}

  • transaction_id (str) – The transaction ID to be used for the context, defaults to “”

  • transaction_id_key (str) – The key to use to get the transaction ID from params, defaults to “transaction_id”

  • logger (Optional[logging.Logger], optional) – The logger to use for logging, by default None. If no logger is specified a new one named ska.transaction will be used.


TransactionParamsError – If the params passed is not valid.


Log the entry message


Log the exit message and exception if it occurs


exc_type (exception_type) – Exception type

class TransactionIdGenerator[source]

TransactionIdGenerator retrieves a transaction id from skuid. Skuid may fetch the id from the service if the SKUID_URL is set or alternatively generate one.

exception TransactionParamsError[source]

Invalid data type for transaction parameters.