Local virtual environment

Note: the following information is to set up an environment that works with the RFI simulations only. Other scripts may need more packages to be added to requirements.txt.

Differences based on Operating System

Linux: you may create a virtual environment with conda, virtualenvwrapper, or other python-based virtual environment tool. Installing the requirements via pip should work in all.

MacOS: you will need to create the environemnt with conda. That is because python-casacore does not currently behave well, when trying to install it via pip into a standard python environment.

Create a virtual environment


To install and set up virtualenvwrapper follow this guide.

Create an environment: replace my-environment with the name you prefer, and replace python3.7 with the path to your python3 installation. If the PYTHONPATH used by virtualenvwrapper is the python3 version you want to use, then you can omit the -p option.

mkvirtualenv -p python3.7 my-environment

Start environment:

workon my-environemnt

Deactivate environment:



To install and set up conda follow the conda guide.

Create an environemnt (replace my-environment with the name you prefer):

conda create --name my-environment python=3.7

Start environment:

conda activate my-environemnt

Deactivate environment:

conda deactivate

Install requirements


Once you have activated your environment and navigated into the ska-sim-low directory (i.e. the root directory of the git repository), run the following:

pip install -r requirements.txt --pre

--pre will allow you to download the latest beta versions of dependencies. This is necessary to get the latest RASCIL version from PyPi.

Depending on what python version you used to create the environment, the pip within that will be tied to that python version. This command should install all of the necessary requirements.

In addition, you will have to obtain RASCIL data. RASCIL will be installed via pip as part of the above command, however the additional setup described at RASCIL Installation is required. If you encounter with a Tuple index out of range error while running RASCIL-dependent code, you may also need to go through the Git LFS steps on the same page under “Installation via git clone”.

You will also need OSKAR set up. On Linux, you may use the Singularity image.


On MacOS, python-casacore, a dependency of RASCIL, does not behave well with pip, so you will need conda to install it.

Install python-casacore with conda:

conda install -c conda-forge python-casacore

Install the rest of the requirements using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt --pre

--pre will allow you to download the latest beta versions of dependencies. This is necessary to get the latest RASCIL version from PyPi.

Depending on what python version you used to create the environment, the pip within that will be tied to that python version. This command should install all of the necessary requirements.

In addition, you will have to obtain RASCIL data. RASCIL will be installed via pip as part of the above command, however the additional setup described at RASCIL Installation is required. If you encounter with a Tuple index out of range error while running RASCIL-dependent code, you may also need to go through the Git LFS steps on the same page under “Installation via git clone”.

You will also need OSKAR set up, which you can do via installing the binary version.