TMC Common Tango Helper Devices

TMC uses helper devices instead of real devices to test component level functionality and also functionality of overall integrated TMC in TMC integration repository. These Devices are used by multiple TMC repositories so kept in common repository to have functionality readily available across TMC repositories.

Devices and their functionality

This page contains all the helper devices used by TMC to mock behavior of sub-systems,leaf nodes or subarray device. Each helper device exposes required API’s similar to real device.


Few Functionality provided by the helper devices are as follows:

  • SetDirectObsState: used to set device obsState directly.

  • SetDirectState: Used to set device state directly.

  • commandCallInfo: Used to get information of arguments used to call the command

  • SetDelay: Used to produce delay in execution of commands to mimic real scenario.

  • resetDelay: Used to reset delay to default one.

  • Fault Injection: To make devices faulty to check error handling in tango devices.

  • AddTransitions: This command will set duration for obs state such that whenrespective command for obs state is triggered then it change obs state

    after provided duration.

Device List

1. Helper_CSP_Master

This module defines a helper device that acts as csp master in our testing.

class ska_tmc_common.test_helpers.helper_csp_master_device.HelperCspMasterDevice(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: HelperBaseDevice

A helper device class for Csp Controller device

init_device() None
class InitCommand(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: InitCommand

A class for the HelperCspMasterDevice’s init_device() command.

do() Tuple[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, str]

Stateless hook for device initialisation. :return: ResultCode and message

read_sourceDishVccConfig() str

This method reads the sourceDishVccConfig value of the dish. :return: source_dish_vcc_config value :rtype:str

read_dishVccConfig() str

This method reads the dishVccConfig value of the dish. :return: dish_vcc_config value :rtype:str

is_On_allowed() bool

This method checks if the On command is allowed in current state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

On(argin: list) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes On command on CSP Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: Tuple

is_Off_allowed() bool

This method checks if the Off command is allowed in current state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

Off(argin: list) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Off command on CSP Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: Tuple

is_Standby_allowed() bool

This method checks if the Standby command is allowed in current state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: Standby command not allowed

Standby(argin: list) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Standby command on CSP Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: Tuple

ResetSysParams() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This Command Reset Sys Param and source sys param :return: ResultCode and message

is_LoadDishCfg_allowed() bool

This method checks if the LoadDishCfg command is allowed in current state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool


Push sys param and source sys param event

LoadDishCfg(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This command updates attribute sourceDishVccConfig and dishVccConfig :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: Tuple


argin – json with File URI.



Example argin: { “interface”: “”,

“tm_data_sources”: [tm_data_sources] #The data source that is used to store the data and is accessible through the Telescope Model

“tm_data_filepath”: “path/to/file.json” #The path to the json file containing the Mid.CBF initialization parameters within the data source


2. Helper_CSP_Subarray

This module implements the Helper devices for subarray nodes for testing an integrated TMC

class ska_tmc_common.test_helpers.helper_csp_subarray.HelperCspSubarray(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: HelperSubArrayDevice

A helper CspSubarray device to mock CSP Subarray behaviour of returing the command result.

AssignResources(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes AssignResources command on subarray devices :return: ResultCode and message


Waits for 5 secs before pushing a longRunningCommandResult event.


Waits for 5 secs before pushing a longRunningCommandResult event.

ReleaseResources() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes ReleaseResources command on subarray device :return: ResultCode and message

ReleaseAllResources() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes ReleaseAllResources command on subarray device :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

Configure(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Configure command on subarray devices :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

Scan(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Scan command on subarray devices. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

EndScan() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes EndScan command on subarray devices. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

GoToIdle() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes GoToIdle command on subarray devices. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

ObsReset() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]
Abort() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Abort command on subarray devices. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

Restart() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Restart command on subarray devices :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

3. Helper_Dish_Device

This module implements the Helper Dish Device for testing an integrated TMC

class ska_tmc_common.test_helpers.helper_dish_device.HelperDishDevice(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: HelperDishLNDevice

A device exposing commands and attributes of the Dish device.

class InitCommand(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: InitCommand

A class for the HelperDishDevice’s init_device() command.

do() Tuple[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, str]

Stateless hook for device initialisation. :return: ResultCode and message

read_scanID() str

This method reads the scanID attribute of a dish. :rtype: str

write_scanID(value: str) None

This method writes scanID attribute of dish. :param value: scan_id as given is the json :value dtype: str :rtype: None

kValue() int

This attribute is used for storing dish kvalue into tango DB.Made this attribute memorized so that when device restart then previous set kvalue will be used validation. :return: kValue

is_SetKValue_allowed() bool

This method checks if the SetKValue Command is allowed in current State. :rtype: bool :return: boolean value if kValue is set or not

SetKValue(kvalue: int) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This command invokes SetKValue command on Dish Master.


kvalue – k value between range 1-2222.


ResultCode and meeage

Kvalue dtype:


Return type:

Tuple[List[ResultCode], List[str]]

read_configuredBand() Band

This method reads the configuredBand of dish. :return: configure band for dishes :rtype: Band

read_offset() str

This method reads the offset of dishes. :return: offset for dishes :rtype: str

read_programTrackTable() list

This method reads the programTrackTable attribute of a dish. :return: programTrackTable for dishes :rtype: list

write_programTrackTable(value: list) None

This method writes the programTrackTable attribute of dish. :param value: 50 entries of timestamp, azimuth and elevation values of the desired pointing of dishes. Example: programTrackTable = [ (timestamp1, azimuth1, elevation1), (timestamp2, azimuth2, elevation2), (timestamp3, azimuth3, elevation3),] :value dtype: list :rtype: None

read_achievedPointing() numpy.ndarray

This method reads the achievedPointing of dishes. :return: achievedPointing of dishes :rtype: str

SetDirectConfiguredBand(argin: Band) None

Trigger a ConfiguredBand change

AddTransition(state_duration_info: str) None

This command will set duration for pointing state such that when respective command for pointing state is triggered then it change pointing state after provided duration

ResetTransitions() None

This command will reset PointingState duration which is set

set_configured_band(configured_band: Band) None

This method set the Configured Band

update_command_info(command_name: str = '', command_input: Optional[Union[str, bool]] = None) None

This method updates the commandCallInfo attribute, with the respective command information.


command_name (str): command name command_input(str or bool): Input argin for command

push_command_status(status, command_name: str, command_id=None) None

Push long running command result event for given command.


result: The result code to be pushed as an event dtype: ResultCode

command_name: The command name for which the event is being pushed dtype: str

exception: Exception message to be pushed as an event dtype: str

set_achieved_pointing() None

Sets the achieved pointing for dish.

SetOperateMode() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes SetOperateMode command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: tuple

AbortCommands() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes AbortCommands command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: tuple

is_TrackLoadStaticOff_allowed() bool

This method checks if the TrackLoadStaticOff command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

TrackLoadStaticOff(argin: List[float]) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes TrackLoadStaticOff command on Dish Master.


argin – A list containing scan_id/ time, cross elevation and elevation offsets.

Argin dtype:



ResultCode and message

Return type:

Tuple[List[ResultCode], List[str]]

is_ConfigureBand1_allowed() bool

This method checks if the ConfigureBand1 command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

ConfigureBand1(argin: bool) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes ConfigureBand1 command on Dish Master :param argin: The argin is a boolean value, if it is set true it invoke ConfigureBand1 command. :argin dtype: bool :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: tuple

is_ConfigureBand2_allowed() bool

This method checks if the ConfigureBand2 Command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

ConfigureBand2(argin: bool) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes ConfigureBand2 command on Dish Master :param argin: The argin is a boolean value, if it is set true it invoke ConfigureBand2 command. :argin dtype: bool :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: tuple

is_ConfigureBand3_allowed() bool

This method checks if the ConfigureBand3 Command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype:bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

ConfigureBand3(argin: bool) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes ConfigureBand3 command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message

is_ConfigureBand4_allowed() bool

This method checks if the ConfigureBand4 Command is allowed in current State. :rtype: bool :return: True if the command is allowed :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

ConfigureBand4(argin: bool) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes ConfigureBand4 command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message

is_ConfigureBand5a_allowed() bool

This method checks if the ConfigureBand5a Command is allowed in current State. :rtype:bool :return: True if the command is allowed :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

ConfigureBand5a(argin: bool) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes ConfigureBand5a command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message

is_ConfigureBand5b_allowed() bool

This method checks if the ConfigureBand5b Command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype:bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

ConfigureBand5b(argin: bool) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes ConfigureBand5b command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message

update_lrcr(command_name: str = '', command_id: str = '') None

Updates the longrunningcommandresult after a delay.

Track() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Track command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: tuple

is_Scan_allowed() Union[bool, CommandNotAllowed]

This method checks if the Scan Command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: Union[bool,CommandNotAllowed] :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

Scan(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method sets scanID attribute of Dish Master. :return: Tuple[List[ResultCode], List[str]]

is_EndScan_allowed() Union[bool, CommandNotAllowed]

This method checks if the EndScan Command is allowed in current State. :rtype:bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed :rtype: Union[bool,CommandNotAllowed]

EndScan() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method clears the scanID attribute of Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: Tuple[List[ResultCode], List[str]]

4. Helper_SDP_Subarray

Helper device for SdpSubarray device

class ska_tmc_common.test_helpers.helper_sdp_subarray.HelperSdpSubarray(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: HelperSubArrayDevice

A helper SdpSubarray device for triggering state changes with a command. It can be used to mock SdpSubarray’s bahavior to test error propagation from SdpSubarray to SdpSubarrayLeafNode in case of command failure

class InitCommand(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: InitCommand

A class for the HelperSubarrayDevice’s init_device() “command”.

do() Tuple[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, str]

Stateless hook for device initialisation. :return: ResultCode and message

read_delay() int

This method is used to read the attribute value for delay. :return: delay

SetDirectreceiveAddresses(argin: str) None

Set the receivedAddresses


Returns receive addresses. :return: receiveAddresses

read_defective() str

Returns defective status of devices :return: defective parameters :rtype: str


This method invokes AssignResources command on SdpSubarray device. :return: None :raises throw_exception: when input json is wrong


This method invokes ReleaseResources command on SdpSubarray device.


This method invokes ReleaseAllResources command on SdpSubarray device.


This method invokes Configure command on SdpSubarray device. :raises throw_exception: when input json is wrong


This method invokes Scan command on SdpSubarray device. :raises throw_exception: when input json is wrong


This method invokes EndScan command on SdpSubarray device.


This method invokes End command on SdpSubarray device.


This method invokes Abort command on SdpSubarray device.


This method invokes Restart command on SdpSubarray device.

5. Helper_SDP_Subarray_Leaf_Device

This module implements the Helper devices for subarray leaf nodes for testing an integrated TMC

class ska_tmc_common.test_helpers.helper_sdp_subarray_leaf_device.HelperSdpSubarrayLeafDevice(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: HelperSubarrayLeafDevice

A device exposing commands and attributes of the CSP Subarray Leaf Nodes devices.

init_device() None
class InitCommand(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: InitCommand

A class for the HelperSubarrayDevice’s init_device() “command”.

do() Tuple[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, str]

Stateless hook for device initialisation. :return: ResultCode and message


Reads the current observation state of the SDP subarray :return: obsstate value

SetSdpSubarrayLeafNodeObsState(argin: ska_tango_base.control_model.ObsState) None

Trigger a ObsState change

push_obs_state_event(obs_state: ska_tango_base.control_model.ObsState) None

Push Obs State Change Event

6. Helper_MCCS_Controller

This module implements the Helper MCCS controller devices for testing an integrated TMC

class ska_tmc_common.test_helpers.helper_mccs_controller_device.HelperMCCSController(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: HelperBaseDevice

A helper MCCS controller device for triggering state changes with a command

init_device() None
class InitCommand(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: InitCommand

A class for the HelperMCCSController’s init_device() “command”.

do() Tuple[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, str]

Stateless hook for device initialisation. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype:tuple

induce_fault(command_name: str, command_id: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

Induces a fault into the device based on the given parameters.

  • command_name (str) – The name of the command for which a fault is being induced.

  • command_id (str) – command id


ResultCode and command id

Return type:

Tuple[List[ResultCode], List[str]]

Example: defective = json.dumps( { “enabled”: False, “fault_type”: FaultType.FAILED_RESULT, “error_message”: “Default exception.”, “result”: ResultCode.FAILED, } ) defective_params = json.loads(defective)

Detailed Explanation: This method simulates inducing various types of faults into a device to test its robustness and error-handling capabilities.

  • FAILED_RESULT: A fault type that triggers a failed result code for the command. The device will return a result code of ‘FAILED’ along with a custom error message, indicating that the command execution has failed.

  • LONG_RUNNING_EXCEPTION: A fault type that simulates a command getting stuck in an intermediate state for an extended period. This could simulate a situation where a command execution hangs due to some internal processing issue.

  • STUCK_IN_INTERMEDIATE_STATE: This fault type represents a scenario where the device gets stuck in an intermediate state between two well-defined states. This can help test the device’s state recovery and error handling mechanisms.

  • COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED: This fault type represents a situation where the given command is not allowed to be executed due to some authorization or permission issues. The device should respond with an appropriate error code and message.

    New method is explicitly introduced since MCCS Master Leaf Node does not have Obs State.



SetDefective(values: str) None

Trigger defective change :param: values :type: str

SetRaiseException(value: bool) None

Set Raise Exception


Waits for 5 secs before pushing a longRunningCommandResult event.

update_lrcr(command_name: str = '', command_id: str = '') None

Updates the longrunningcommandresult after a delay.

is_Allocate_allowed() bool

Check if command Allocate is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

Allocate(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Allocate command on MCCS controller device


a tuple containing ResultCode and Message

Return type:


is_Release_allowed() bool

Check if command Release is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

Release(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Release command on MCCS controller device


a tuple containing Resultcode and Message

Return type:


is_RestartSubarray_allowed() bool

This method checks if the RestartSubarray command is allowed in the current device state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype:bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

RestartSubarray(argin: int) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This is the method to invoke RestartSubarray command. :param argin: an integer subarray_id. :return: ResultCode, command id :rtype: tuple

push_command_result(result: ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, command_id: str, exception: str = '') None

Push long running command result event for given command.


result: The result code to be pushed as an event dtype: ResultCode

command_id: The command_id for which the event is being pushed dtype: str

exception: Exception message to be pushed as an event dtype: str

7. Helper_Subarray_Device

This module implements the Helper devices for subarray nodes for testing an integrated TMC

class ska_tmc_common.test_helpers.helper_subarray_device.HelperSubArrayDevice(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: SKASubarray

A generic subarray device for triggering state changes with a command. It can be used as helper device for element subarray node

class InitCommand(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: InitCommand

A class for the HelperSubarrayDevice’s init_device() “command”.

do() Tuple[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, str]

Stateless hook for device initialization. :return: ResultCode

assignedResources() str
read_scanId() int

This method is used to read the attribute value for scanId. :return: scan_id


Read transition :return: state dureation info

read_isSubsystemAvailable() bool

Returns avalability status for the leaf nodes devices :return: avalability status for the leaf nodes devices :rtype: bool

SetSubsystemAvailable(value: bool) None

Sets Availability of the device :rtype: bool

AddTransition(state_duration_info: str) None

This command will set duration for obs state such that when respective command for obs state is triggered then it change obs state after provided duration

ResetTransitions() None

This command will reset ObsState duration which is set


This method is used to read the attribute value for commandCallInfo. :return: attribute value for commandCallInfo


This method is used to read the attribute value for delay. :return: attribute value for delay

read_raiseException() bool

This method is used to read the attribute value for raise exception :return: attribute value for raise exception

Return type:


read_commandInProgress() str

This method is used to read, which command is in progress :return: command in progress :rtype:str

read_defective() str

This method is used to read the value of the attribute defective :return: attribute value defective :rtype: str

read_receiveAddresses() str

This method is used to read receiveAddresses attribute :return: attribute receiveAddresses :rtype:str

push_command_result(result: ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, command_name: str, exception: str = '') None

Push long running command result event for given command. :param result: The result code to be pushed as an event :type: ResultCode :param command_name: The command name for which event is being pushed :type: str :param exception: Exception message to be pushed as an event :type: str

update_device_obsstate(value: ska_tango_base.control_model.ObsState, command_name: str = '') None

Updates the given data after a delay.

update_command_info(command_name: str = '', command_input: str = '') None

This method updates the commandCallInfo attribute, with the respective command information.


command_name (str): command name command_input (str): Input argin for command

create_component_manager() EmptySubArrayComponentManager

This method is used to create an instance of EmptySubarrayComponentManager :return: component manager :rtype: EmptySubArrayComponentManager

SetRaiseException(value: bool) None

Set Raise Exception

SetDelay(command_delay_info: str) None

Update delay value

ResetDelay() None

Reset Delay to it’s default values

ClearCommandCallInfo() None

Clears commandCallInfo to empty list

SetDirectObsState(argin: ska_tango_base.control_model.ObsState) None

Trigger a ObsState change

SetDirectState(argin: tango.DevState) None
Trigger a DevState if self.dev_state() != argin:


SetDirectHealthState(argin: ska_tango_base.control_model.HealthState) None

Trigger a HealthState change

SetDirectCommandInProgress(argin: str) None

Trigger a CommandInProgress change

SetDirectassignedResources(argin: str) None

Triggers an assignedResources attribute change. Note: This method should be used only in case of low.

is_On_allowed() bool

Check if command On is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

On() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes On command on Subarray Device :return: ResultCode :rtype: Tuple

is_Off_allowed() bool

Check if command Off is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

induce_fault(command_name: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

Induces a fault into the device based on the given parameters.


command_name (str) – The name of the command for which a fault is being induced.


ResultCode and message

Return type:

Tuple[List[ResultCode], List[str]]

Example: defective = json.dumps( { “enabled”: False, “fault_type”: FaultType.FAILED_RESULT, “error_message”: “Default exception.”, “result”: ResultCode.FAILED, “target_obsstates”: [ObsState.RESOURCING, ObsState.EMPTY], } ) defective_params = json.loads(defective)

Detailed Explanation: This method simulates inducing various types of faults into a device to test its robustness and error-handling capabilities.

  • FAILED_RESULT: A fault type that triggers a failed result code for the command. The device will return a result code of ‘FAILED’ along with a custom error message, indicating that the command execution has failed.

  • LONG_RUNNING_EXCEPTION: A fault type that simulates a command getting stuck in an intermediate state for an extended period. This could simulate a situation where a command execution hangs due to some internal processing issue.

  • STUCK_IN_INTERMEDIATE_STATE: This fault type represents a scenario where the device gets stuck in an intermediate state between two well-defined states. This can help test the device’s state recovery and error handling mechanisms.

  • STUCK_IN_OBS_STATE: This fault type represents a scenario where the device gets stuck in a transitional obsstate as there is some failure. It also raise exception of the same.

  • COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED: This fault type represents a situation where the given command is not allowed to be executed due to some authorization or permission issues. The device should respond with an appropriate error code and message.



SetDefective(values: str) None

Trigger defective change :param: values :type: str

Off() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Off command on Subarray Device :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: Tuple

is_Standby_allowed() bool

Check if command Standby is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

Standby() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Standby command on subarray devices :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_AssignResources_allowed() bool

Check if command AssignResources is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

AssignResources(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes AssignResources command on subarray devices :return: ResultCode and message


Waits for 5 secs before pushing a longRunningCommandResult event.

is_ReleaseResources_allowed() bool

Check if command ReleaseResources is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

ReleaseResources(argin) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes ReleaseResources command on subarray device :return: ResultCode and message

is_ReleaseAllResources_allowed() bool

Check if command ReleaseAllResources is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

ReleaseAllResources() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes ReleaseAllResources command on subarray device :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_Configure_allowed() bool

Check if command Configure is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

Configure(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Configure command on subarray devices :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_Scan_allowed() bool

Check if command Scan is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

Scan(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Scan command on subarray devices. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_EndScan_allowed() bool

Check if command EndScan is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

EndScan() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes EndScan command on subarray devices. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_End_allowed() bool

Check if command End is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

End() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes End command on subarray devices. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_GoToIdle_allowed() bool

Check if command GoToIdle is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

GoToIdle() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes GoToIdle command on subarray devices. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_ObsReset_allowed() bool

Check if command ObsReset is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

ObsReset() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

ObsReset Command :return: ResultCode and message

is_Abort_allowed() bool

Check if command Abort is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

Abort() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Abort command on subarray devices. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_Restart_allowed() bool

Check if command Restart is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

Restart() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Restart command on subarray devices :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

8. Helper_Subarray_Leaf_Device

This module implements the Helper devices for subarray leaf nodes for testing an integrated TMC

class ska_tmc_common.test_helpers.helper_subarray_leaf_device.HelperSubarrayLeafDevice(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: HelperBaseDevice

A device exposing commands and attributes of the Subarray Leaf Nodes devices.

init_device() None
class InitCommand(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: InitCommand

A class for the HelperSubarrayDevice’s init_device() “command”.

do() Tuple[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, str]

Stateless hook for device initialisation. :return: ResultCode and message


Read transition :return: state duration info


This method is used to read the attribute value for commandCallInfo. :return: attribute value for commandCallInfo

read_defective() str

Returns defective status of devices :return: attribute value defective :rtype: str

read_delay() int

This method is used to read the attribute value for delay. :return: attribute value for delay

read_obsState() ska_tango_base.control_model.ObsState

This method is used to read the attribute value for obsState. :return: attribute value for obsstate

update_command_info(command_name: str = '', command_input: str = '') None

This method updates the commandCallInfo attribute, with the respective command information.


command_name (str): command name command_input (str): Input argin for command

ClearCommandCallInfo() None

Clears commandCallInfo to empty list

AddTransition(state_duration_info: str) None

This command will establish a duration for the observation state, so that when the corresponding command for the observation state is triggered,it will transition to a provided observation state after the specified duration

ResetTransitions() None

This command will reset ObsState duration which is set

SetDirectObsState(value: ska_tango_base.control_model.ObsState) None

Trigger defective change :param: values :type: str

SetDelay(value: int) None

Update delay value

push_obs_state_event(obs_state: ska_tango_base.control_model.ObsState) None

Push Obs State Change Event

update_device_obsstate(obs_state: ska_tango_base.control_model.ObsState)

Updates the device obsState

is_On_allowed() bool

This method checks if the On command is allowed or not :return: True if the command is allowed :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

On() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]
is_Off_allowed() bool

This method checks if the Off command is allowed or not :return: True if the command is allowed :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

Off() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]
is_Standby_allowed() bool

This method checks if the Standby command is allowed or not :return: True if the command is allowed :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

Standby() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]
is_AssignResources_allowed() bool

This method checks if the AssignResources command is allowed or not :return: True if the command is allowed :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

AssignResources(argin: str = '') Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This is the method to invoke AssignResources command. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_Configure_allowed() bool

This method checks the Configure is allowed in the current device state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype:bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

Configure(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This is the method to invoke Configure command. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_Scan_allowed() bool

This method checks if the Scan command is allowed in the current device state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype:bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

Scan(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This is the method to invoke Scan command. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_EndScan_allowed() bool

This method checks if the EndScan command is allowed in the current device state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype:bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

EndScan() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This is the method to invoke EndScan command. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_End_allowed() bool

This method checks if the End command is allowed in the current device state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype:bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

End() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This is the method to invoke End command. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_GoToIdle_allowed() bool

This method checks if the GoToIdle command is allowed in the current device state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype:bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

GoToIdle() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This is the method to invoke GoToIdle command. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_Abort_allowed() bool

This method checks if the Abort command is allowed in the current device state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype:bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

Abort() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This is the method to invoke Abort command. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_Restart_allowed() bool

This method checks if the Restart command is allowed in the current device state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype:bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

Restart() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This is the method to invoke Restart command. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_ReleaseAllResources_allowed() bool

This method checks if the ReleaseAllResources command is allowed in the current device state. :return: True if the command is allowed :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed :rtype: bool

ReleaseAllResources() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This is the method to invoke ReleaseAllResources command. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

is_ReleaseResources_allowed() bool

This method checks if the ReleaseResources command is allowed in the current device state. :return: True if the command is allowed :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed :rtype: bool

ReleaseResources(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This is the method to invoke ReleaseResources command. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype: tuple

9. Helper_Dish_LN_Device

This module implements the Helper Dish Leaf Node Device for testing an integrated TMC.

class ska_tmc_common.test_helpers.helper_dish_ln_device.HelperDishLNDevice(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: HelperBaseDevice

A device exposing commands and attributes of the Dish Leaf Node device.

init_device() None
class InitCommand(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: InitCommand

A class for the HelperDishLNDevice’s init_device() command.

do() Tuple[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, str]

Stateless hook for device initialisation. :return: ResultCode and message

read_kValueValidationResult() str

Get the k-value validation result. :return: kValue validation result :rtype:str

sourceOffset() list[float]

This attribute is used for storing the commanded offsets received as a part of delta/partial configuration. This attribute is subscribed by SDP queue connector device. :return: sourceOffset

sdpQueueConnectorFqdn(sdpqc_fqdn: str) None

This Method is used to get the SDP queue connector FQDN from subarray node and then Dish Leaf Node have to subscribe to its respective pointing_cal attribute on queue connector device.

kValue(kvalue: int) None

Set memorized dish vcc map :param kvalue: dish vcc config json string :type str

read_delay() int

This method is used to read the attribute value for delay. :return: delay

read_defective() str

Returns defective status of devices :return: defective status of devices :rtype: str

read_actualPointing() str

Read method for actual pointing. :return: actual pointing value

read_isSubsystemAvailable() bool

Returns avalability status for the leaf nodes devices :return: boolean value for attribute isSubsystemAvailable :rtype: bool

read_pointingState() PointingState

This method reads the pointingState of of dish leaf node’s respective dish. :return: pointingState of dishes :rtype: PointingState

read_dishMode() DishMode

This method reads the DishMode of dishes of dish leaf node’s respective dish. :return: DishMode of dishes :rtype: DishMode

SetDirectDishMode(argin: DishMode) None

Trigger a DishMode change

SetDirectPointingState(argin: PointingState) None

Trigger a PointingState change

process_pointing_cal(event_data: tango.EventData) None

This Method takes the pointing calibration data from SDP queue connector device and invokes the TrackLoadStaticOff command on the Dish Master

set_dish_mode(dishMode: DishMode) None

This method set the Dish Mode

set_pointing_state(pointingState: PointingState) None

This method set the Pointing State of dish leaf node’s respective dish.

update_dish_mode(dish_mode: DishMode, command_name: str = '') None

Updates the dish mode of dish leaf node’s respective dish.

  • dish_mode – Dish Mode to update.

  • command_name – Command name

Dish_mode dtype:


Command_name dtype:


Return type:


update_pointing_state(pointing_state: PointingState, command_name: str) None

Updates the pointing state of dish leaf node’s respective dish.

  • pointing_state – Pointing state to update.

  • command_name – Command name

Pointing_state dtype:


Command_name dtype:


Return type:


set_offset(cross_elevation: float, elevation: float) None

Sets the offset for Dish.

SetDirectkValueValidationResult(result_code: str) None

Set the kValuValidationResult :argin dtype: str :rtype:None

SetSourceOffset(sourceOffset: list) None

Sets the commanded offsets


This method is used to read the attribute value for commandCallInfo. :return: command_call_info value

read_commandDelayInfo() str

This method is used to read the attribute value for delay. :return: command_delay_infp value


Push Dish k-value Validation result event If memorized k-value already set then push Result Code as OK else push result code event as UNKNOWN


This method gets invoked only once after initialization and push the k-value validation result.

is_SetKValue_allowed() bool

This method checks if the SetKValue Command is allowed in current State. :return: boolean value if command is allowed or not :rtype: bool

SetKValue(kvalue: int) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This command invokes SetKValue command on Dish Master.


kvalue – k value between range 1-2222.

Kvalue dtype:



ResultCode and message

Return type:

Tuple[List[ResultCode], List[str]]

SetDelay(command_delay_info: str) None

Update delay value

ResetDelay() None

Reset Delay to it’s default values

ClearCommandCallInfo() None

Clears commandCallInfo to empty list

is_Off_allowed() bool

This method checks if the Off Command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype:bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

is_SetStandbyFPMode_allowed() bool

This method checks if the is_SetStandbyFPMode_allowed Command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype:bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

SetStandbyFPMode() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes SetStandbyFPMode command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: tuple

is_SetStandbyLPMode_allowed() bool

This method checks if the is_SetStandbyLPMode_allowed Command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

SetStandbyLPMode() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes SetStandbyLPMode command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: tuple

is_SetOperateMode_allowed() bool

This method checks if the SetOperateMode Command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype:bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

SetOperateMode() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes SetOperateMode command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: tuple

is_SetStowMode_allowed() bool

This method checks if the SetStowMode Command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

SetStowMode() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes SetStowMode command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype : tuple

is_Track_allowed() bool

This method checks if the Track Command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

Track() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Track command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: tuple

is_TrackStop_allowed() bool

This method checks if the TrackStop Command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

TrackStop() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes TrackStop command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: tuple

is_AbortCommands_allowed() bool

This method checks if the AbortCommands command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

AbortCommands() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes AbortCommands command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: tuple

is_Configure_allowed() bool

This method checks if the Configure Command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

Configure(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Configure command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: tuple

is_TrackLoadStaticOff_allowed() bool

This method checks if the TrackLoadStaticOff command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

TrackLoadStaticOff(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes TrackLoadStaticOff command on Dish Master.


argin – A list containing scan_id/ time, cross elevation and elevation offsets.

Argin dtype:



ResultCode and message

Return type:

Tuple[List[ResultCode], List[str]]

update_command_info(command_name: str = '', command_input: str = '') None

This method updates the commandCallInfo attribute, with the respective command information.


command_name (str): command name command_input (str): Input argin for command

is_Scan_allowed() Union[bool, CommandNotAllowed]

This method checks if the Scan Command is allowed in current State. :return: True if the command is allowed :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed :rtype: Union[bool,CommandNotAllowed]

Scan(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Scan command on Dish Master :param argin: scan_id as and string. :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: Tuple[List[ResultCode], List[str]]

is_EndScan_allowed() Union[bool, CommandNotAllowed]

This method checks if the EndScan Command is allowed in current State. :rtype:bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed :rtype: Union[bool,CommandNotAllowed]

EndScan() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes EndScan command on Dish Master :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: Tuple[List[ResultCode], List[str]]

10. Helper_Mccs_Subarray_Device

This module implements the Helper Mccs subarray device

class ska_tmc_common.test_helpers.helper_mccs_subarray_device.HelperMccsSubarrayDevice(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: HelperSubArrayDevice

A device exposing commands and attributes of the Mccs Subarray Device.

push_command_result(result: ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, command_name: str, exception: str = '') None

Push long running command result event for given command. :param result: The result code to be pushed as an event :type: ResultCode :param command_name: The command name for which event is being pushed :type: str :param exception: Exception message to be pushed as an event :type: str

11. Helper_MCCS_Master_Leaf_Node

This module implements the Helper MCCS master leaf node devices for testing an integrated TMC

class ska_tmc_common.test_helpers.helper_mccs_master_leaf_node_device.HelperMCCSMasterLeafNode(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: HelperBaseDevice

A helper MCCS master leafnode device for triggering state changes with a command

init_device() None
class InitCommand(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: InitCommand

A class for the HelperMccsStateDevice’s init_device() “command”.

do() Tuple[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, str]

Stateless hook for device initialisation. :return: ResultCode, message :rtype:tuple

push_command_result(result: ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, command_id: str, exception: str = '') None

Push long running command result event for given command.


result: The result code to be pushed as an event dtype: ResultCode

command_id: The command_id for which the event is being pushed dtype: str

exception: Exception message to be pushed as an event dtype: str

is_AssignResources_allowed() bool

Check if command AssignResources is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed

Return type:



CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

AssignResources(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes AssignResources command on MCCS master leaf node device.


a tuple containing ResultCode and Message

Return type:


is_ReleaseAllResources_allowed() bool

Check if command ReleaseAllResources is allowed in the current device state.


True if the command is allowed


CommandNotAllowed – command is not allowed

Return type:


ReleaseAllResources(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes ReleaseAllResources command on MCCS master leaf node device.


a tuple containing ResultCode and Message

Return type:


12. Helper_Base_Device

A common module for different helper devices(mock devices)”

class ska_tmc_common.test_helpers.helper_base_device.HelperBaseDevice(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: SKABaseDevice

A common base device for helper devices.

init_device() None
class InitCommand(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: InitCommand

A class for the HelperBaseDevice’s init_device() command.

do() Tuple[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, str]
create_component_manager() EmptyComponentManager

Creates an instance of EmptyComponentManager :return: component manager instance :rtype: EmptyComponentManager

read_raiseException() bool

This method is used to read the attribute value for raise exception :return: attribute value for raise exception :rtype: bool

read_defective() str

Returns defective status of devices :return: attribute value for defective params :rtype: str

read_isSubsystemAvailable() bool

Returns availability status for the leaf nodes devices :return: availabitlity status :rtype: bool

always_executed_hook() None
delete_device() None
SetDefective(values: str) None

Trigger defective change :param: values :type: str

induce_fault(command_name: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

Induces a fault into the device based on the given parameters.


command_name (str) – The name of the command for which a fault is being induced.


ResultCode and message

Return type:

Tuple[List[ResultCode], List[str]]

Example: defective = json.dumps( { “enabled”: False, “fault_type”: FaultType.FAILED_RESULT, “error_message”: “Default exception.”, “result”: ResultCode.FAILED, } ) defective_params = json.loads(defective)

Detailed Explanation: This method simulates inducing various types of faults into a device to test its robustness and error-handling capabilities.

  • FAILED_RESULT: A fault type that triggers a failed result code for the command. The device will return a result code of ‘FAILED’ along with a custom error message, indicating that the command execution has failed.

  • LONG_RUNNING_EXCEPTION: A fault type that simulates a command getting stuck in an intermediate state for an extended period. This could simulate a situation where a command execution hangs due to some internal processing issue.

  • STUCK_IN_INTERMEDIATE_STATE: This fault type represents a scenario where the device gets stuck in an intermediate state between two well-defined states. This can help test the device’s state recovery and error handling mechanisms.

  • COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED: This fault type represents a situation where the given command is not allowed to be executed due to some authorization or permission issues. The device should respond with an appropriate error code and message.



push_command_result(result_code: ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, command_name: str, **kwargs) None

Push long running command result event for given command. :param result_code: The result code to be pushed as an event :type: ResultCode :param command_name: The command name for which event is being pushed :type: str :param kwargs: Additional key word arguments :type kwargs: dict

SetDirectState(argin: tango.DevState) None

Trigger a DevState change

:param tango.DevState

SetSubsystemAvailable(value: bool) None

Sets Availability of the device :rtype: bool

SetDirectHealthState(argin: ska_tango_base.control_model.HealthState) None

Trigger a HealthState change :param tango.DevState

SetRaiseException(value: bool) None

Set Raise Exception

is_On_allowed() bool

This method checks if the On command is allowed in current state. :rtype: bool :return: True if the command is allowed :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

On() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes On command :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: Tuple

is_Off_allowed() bool

This method checks if the Off command is allowed in current state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

Off() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Off command :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: Tuple

is_Standby_allowed() bool

This method checks if the Standby command is allowed in current state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

Standby() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Standby command :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: Tuple

is_disable_allowed() bool

This method checks if the Disable command is allowed in current state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool :raises CommandNotAllowed: command is not allowed

Disable() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This method invokes Disable command :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: Tuple

13. Helper_Csp_Master_Leaf_Device

This module defines a helper device that acts as csp master in our testing.

class ska_tmc_common.test_helpers.helper_csp_master_leaf_node.HelperCspMasterLeafDevice(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: HelperBaseDevice

A helper device class for Csp Master Leaf device

init_device() None
memorizedDishVccMap(value: str)

Set memorized dish vcc map :param value: dish vcc config json string :type str

class InitCommand(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: InitCommand

A class for the HelperCspMasterDevice’s init_device() command.

do() Tuple[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, str]

Stateless hook for device initialisation. :return: ResultCode and message

read_sourceDishVccConfig() str

This method reads the sourceDishVccConfig value of the dish. :return: sourceDishVccConfig value of the dish. :rtype:str

read_dishVccConfig() str

This method reads the dishVccConfig value of the dish. :return: dishVccConfig value of the dish :rtype:str

read_DishVccMapValidationResult() str

DishVccMapValidationResult value of the dish

Return type:


ResetSysParams() Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This Command Reset dishVccConfig and sourceDishVccConfig attribute :return: ResultCode and message

is_LoadDishCfg_allowed() bool

This method checks if the LoadDishCfg command is allowed in current state. :return: True if the command is allowed :rtype: bool

LoadDishCfg(argin: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

This command updates attribute sourceDishVccConfig and dishVccConfig :return: ResultCode and message :rtype: Tuple


argin – json with File URI.



Example argin: { “interface”: “”,

“tm_data_sources”: [tm_data_sources] #The data source that is used to store the data and is accessible through the Telescope Model

“tm_data_filepath”: “path/to/file.json” #The path to the json file containing the Mid.CBF initialization parameters within the data source


SetDishVccValidationResult(result: str) Tuple[List[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode], List[str]]

Set DishVccValidationResult and push event for same :return: ResultCode and message


Push Dish Vcc Validation result event If memorized dish vcc already set then push Result Code as OK else push result code event as UNKNOWN


Push Dish Vcc Validation result after Initialization

14. Helper_Csp_Subarray_Leaf_Device

This module implements the Helper devices for subarray leaf nodes for testing an integrated TMC

class ska_tmc_common.test_helpers.helper_csp_subarray_leaf_device.HelperCspSubarrayLeafDevice(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: HelperSubarrayLeafDevice

A device exposing commands and attributes of the CSP Subarray Leaf Node devices.

init_device() None
class InitCommand(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: InitCommand

A class for the HelperSubarrayDevice’s init_device() “command”.

do() Tuple[ska_tango_base.commands.ResultCode, str]

Stateless hook for device initialisation. :return: ResultCode and message


Reads the current observation state of the CSP subarray :return: obs state

SetCspSubarrayLeafNodeObsState(argin: int) None

Trigger a ObsState change

push_obs_state_event(obs_state: ska_tango_base.control_model.ObsState) None

Push Obs State Change Event

15. Helper_Sdp_Queue_Connector

This module defines a helper device that acts as SDP Queue Connector in testing.

class ska_tmc_common.test_helpers.helper_sdp_queue_connector_device.HelperSdpQueueConnector(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: HelperBaseDevice

A helper device that emulates the behavior of pointing_cal_{dish_id} attributes from SdpQueueConnector device for testing. Queue Connector is a tango device of SDP.

pointing_cal_SKA001() list[float]

Attribute to give calibrated pointing offsets of dish SKA001

pointing_cal_SKA002() list[float]

Attribute to give calibrated pointing offsets of dish SKA002

pointing_cal_SKA003() list[float]

Attribute to give calibrated pointing offsets of dish SKA003

pointing_cal_SKA004() list[float]

Attribute to give calibrated pointing offsets of dish SKA004

pointing_cal_SKA036() list[float]

Attribute to give calibrated pointing offsets of dish SKA036

pointing_cal_SKA063() list[float]

Attribute to give calibrated pointing offsets of dish SKA063

pointing_cal_SKA100() list[float]

Attribute to give calibrated pointing offsets of dish SKA100

SetPointingCalSka001(pointing_cal: list) None

This method sets the value of pointing_cal_SKA001 attribute also push the event for the attribute

SetPointingCalSka002(pointing_cal: list) None

This method sets the value of pointing_cal_SKA002 attribute also push the event for the attribute

SetPointingCalSka003(pointing_cal: list) None

This method sets the value of pointing_cal_SKA003 attribute also push the event for the attribute

SetPointingCalSka004(pointing_cal: list) None

This method sets the value of pointing_cal_SKA004 attribute also push the event for the attribute

SetPointingCalSka036(pointing_cal: list) None

This method sets the value of pointing_cal_SKA036 attribute also push the event for the attribute

SetPointingCalSka063(pointing_cal: list) None

This method sets the value of pointing_cal_SKA063 attribute also push the event for the attribute

SetPointingCalSka100(pointing_cal: list) None

This method sets the value of pointing_cal_SKA100 attribute also push the event for the attribute


This module contain all helper devices required in TMC for testing and debugging