Source code for pyfabil.plugins.tpm.firmware_information

from math import ceil
import re
import zlib
import binascii

__author__ = 'lessju'

from pyfabil.plugins.firmwareblock import FirmwareBlock
from pyfabil.base.definitions import *
import logging

[docs] class TpmFirmwareInformation(FirmwareBlock): """ FirmwareBlock tests class """ @compatibleboards(BoardMake.TpmBoard,BoardMake.Tpm16Board) @friendlyname('tpm_firmware_information') @maxinstances(3) def __init__(self, board, **kwargs): """ TpmPll initialiser :param board: Pointer to board instance """ super(TpmFirmwareInformation, self).__init__(board) if 'firmware' not in list(kwargs.keys()): raise PluginError("TpmFirmwareInformation: Require a firmware number") self._firmware = kwargs['firmware'] self._register = '' % self._firmware # Initialise information self._reset_information() #######################################################################################
[docs] def parse_extended_info(self, extended_info): r_dict = {} for item in extended_info.split('\n\n'): if item: key = item.split(': ', 1)[0].strip().lower() val = item.split(': ', 1)[1].strip().lower() r_dict[key] = val return r_dict
[docs] def update_information(self): """ Update firmware extended information :return: """ # Read information data from board offset = self.board[self._register] size = self.board[int(offset)] # Make sure that the size is not huge (random memory value) if size > 1e6 or size in [0, 1]: logging.error(f'Extended information size is {size}') self._reset_information() return data = self.board.read_address(offset + 4, n = int(ceil(size / 4.0))) data = ''.join([format(n, '08x') for n in data]) try: data = zlib.decompress(binascii.unhexlify(data[: 2 * size])) except Exception as e: logging.warning(f'Error reading extended info for firmware {self._firmware} {e} ') self._reset_information() return res = self.parse_extended_info(data.decode()) if res.get('design') is None: self._reset_information() else: self._major = int(res['major']) self._minor = int(res['minor']) self._host = res['host'] self._design = res['design'] self._user = res['user'] self._time = res['utc_compile_time'] self._build = res['build'] self._board = res['board'] # Use .get for optional information, old firmware # will not have this information self._git_branch = res.get('git_branch', "") self._git_commit = res.get('git_commit', "") self._git_dirty_flag = res.get('git_dirty_flag', "")
def _reset_information(self): """ Reset firmware information """ self._major = -1 self._minor = -1 self._host = "" self._design = "" self._user = "" self._time = "" self._build = "" self._board = "" self._git_branch = "" self._git_commit = "" self._git_dirty_flag = ""
[docs] def print_information(self): """ Print firmware information """"Board: %s" % self._board)"Design: %s" % self._design)"Major version: %d" % self._major)"Minor version: %d" % self._minor)"Build: %s" % self._build)"UTC compile time: %s" % self._time)"User: %s" % self._user)"Git Branch: %s" % self._git_branch)"Git Commit: %s" % self._git_commit)"Git Dirty Flag: %s" % self._git_dirty_flag)"Host: %s" % self._host)
# Information getters
[docs] def get_firmware_number(self): return self._firmware
[docs] def get_major_version(self): return self._major
[docs] def get_minor_version(self): return self._minor
[docs] def get_host(self): return self._host
[docs] def get_design(self): return self._design
[docs] def get_user(self): return self._user
[docs] def get_time(self): return self._time
[docs] def get_build(self): return self._build
[docs] def get_board(self): return self._board
[docs] def get_git_branch(self): return self._git_branch
[docs] def get_git_commit(self): return self._git_commit
##################### Superclass method implementations #################################
[docs] def initialise(self): """ Initialise TpmPll """"TpmFirmwareInformation has been initialised") return True
[docs] def status_check(self): """ Perform status check :return: Status """"TpmFirmwareInformation : Checking status") return Status.OK
[docs] def clean_up(self): """ Perform cleanup :return: Success """"TpmFirmwareInformation : Cleaning up") return True