
The ska_oso_scripting.functions.environment module contains code used to identify the execution environment and to verify commands are appropriate to that environment.

exception ska_oso_scripting.functions.environment.ExecutionEnvironmentError(expected_env, msg='Telescope environment required by script does not match deployment')[source]

Error raised when execution environment does not match the targeted telescope.

ska_oso_scripting.functions.environment.check_environment_for_consistency(request_json: str) None[source]

Confirm that the request is correct for the current environment, raising an ExecutionEnvironmentError if there is a mismatch.


request_json – The JSON control string to be tested

ska_oso_scripting.functions.environment.is_ska_low_environment() bool[source]

Return True if execution environment is identified as SKA LOW.


True if SKA LOW

ska_oso_scripting.functions.environment.is_ska_mid_environment() bool[source]

Return True if execution environment is identified as SKA MID


True if SKA MID