SDP Jupyter notebooks

This documents how to use the relevant Jupyter notebooks for the SDP.


You can only run these Jupyter notebooks if you have deployed in same cluster as where you are running the notebooks. For example if you are running the notebooks on the DP cluster, you must have deployed on that cluster.

How Binderhub and Jupyter notebooks work

If this is your first time using Jupyter notebooks have a look at this link for a crash course on Jupyter. For Binderhub please look at the this documentation on Binderhub.

Which Jupyter notebooks to use and what the notebooks do

The Jupyter notebooks can be found at SKA SDP Notebooks. There are several notebooks that are used to show different functionalities of the SDP. Each notebook has a detailed explanation of what it does overall and what each of the steps do as well as their expected outcome.

How to use Jupyter notebooks

You need the namespace in which the controllers of the SDP are deployed.

In all the Jupyter Notebooks replace the namespace should be defined in one of the first steps. You need to change the text value of the namespace to your namespace Save the notebook. You can now run through the notebook steps.

namespace = "my-namespace"