Version information

The LMC controller device is able to give the version information of the currently running SDP system. This information includes the component and sub-chart version information.

The version information is returned as a string. It shows only the enabled components and sub-charts. If a new version of the components is deployed, or a new version of the SDP is deployed, then this version information will update.


To get the version information you need to access the controller device via the Tango interface.

For example using ITango:

In [1]: import json

In [2]: controller = Device("test-sdp/control/0")

In [3]: json.loads(controller.sdpVersion)
{'version': '0.17.0',
 'components': [{'name': 'etcd',
   'image': '',
   'version': '3.5.9'},
  {'name': 'lmc',
   'image': '',
   'version': '0.23.1'},
  {'name': 'lmc-queueconnector',
   'image': '',
   'version': '1.2.0'},
  {'name': 'dsconfig',
   'image': '',
   'version': '1.5.9'},
  {'name': 'proccontrol',
   'image': '',
   'version': '0.12.1'},
  {'name': 'helmdeploy',
   'image': '',
   'version': '0.14.0'},
  {'name': 'console',
   'image': '',
   'version': '0.5.1'}],
 'dependencies': [{'name': 'ska-sdp-qa',
   'repository': '',
   'version': '0.19.1'},
  {'name': 'ska-tango-base',
   'repository': '',
   'version': '0.4.6'}]}