Committing code

When working on a development project, it is important to stick to these simple commit rules:

  • Work in feature branches where possible (see Branching policy)

  • Commit early, commit often.

  • Have the Jira story ID at the beginning of your commit messages. (You can also use Gitlab and JIRA integration defined in Working with Jira)

  • Git logs shall be human readable in sequence, describing the development activity.

  • Use imperative forms in the commit message:

ST-320 make fluentd,kibana,elasticsearch optional

* add a pipeline example for disabling ELK
* add enabled checks
* filebeat,journalbeat support added to clusters

# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# Date:      Tue May 12 11:24:17 2020 +1200
# On branch st-320-swap-out-fluentd
# Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/st-320-swap-out-fluentd'.

You can find additional information on how to write a good commit message here.

Squashing commits

If you want to replace a series of small commits with a single commit or if you want to make their order more logical you can use an interactive rebase (git rebase -i) to squash multiple commits into one or reorder them. When squashing commits it is important to consider the following:

  • You should never rebase commits you have pushed to a remote server.

  • You should also never rebase commits authored by other people.

In general the squashing of commits is discouraged for SKA repositories.