MongoDB Database Integration

This section steps through the process of Integrating and Deploying a MongoDB database both for development environment.


The following preconditions are required, so that there is a connection available to the target Kubernetes cluster for the Database deployment:

  • A target Kubernetes enviroment set as the current KUBECONFIG context (mini-howto)

  • kubectl is installed

  • helm is installed

Optional Flows

There are three options for deploying the MongoDB DB component. These directly relate to the target environment and require the selection and configuration of different credentials for each.

Setup the MongoDB database credentials (options):

  • accept default values for MONGO_USER / MONGO_PASSWORD / MONGO_DB (mongo/mongo/mongodb) - the most common option for a development enviroment

  • define explicit environment variables for MONGO_USER / MONGO_PASSWORD and MONGO_DB

  • create/update Vault secrets for MONGO_USER / MONGO_PASSWORD


Setup the MongoDB credentials

Option 1: The MongoDB credentials are required for the connection between the database and the Database backend. typically, the developer would just rely on the defaults which are automatically set - these are username: mongo password: mongo

Option 2: To override the default credentials, define the following environment variables: MONGO_USER / MONGO_PASSWORD / MONGO_DB. These will be picked up by the following steps to seed the MongoDB database and configure the connection with the database.

Option 3: Establish the associated secrets in Hashicorp Vault so that the secrets are picked up by the following steps to seed the MongoDB database and configure the connection with the MongoDB.

Connect Helm repository

In order to deploy the Helm charts for both the MongoDB database and the database it is necessary to create a repository connection to the associated Helm repository.

$ helm repo add skao
"ska" has been added to your repositories
$ helm repo update
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "skao" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈

This has now added the repository of all the SKAO Helnm charts.

Configure MongoDB parameters (values.yaml)

Prior to deploying the database, it maybe necessary to customise the configuration. Create a values.yaml and set parameters like so:

cat << EOF >values.yaml
  tag: 6.0-debian-11
  enable: true
  [ $MONGO_DB ]
#initdbScriptsConfigMap: mongodb-init-script

Deploy MongoDB

Once the database parameters have been altered to requirements, the MongoDB can now be deployed for the MongoDB database.

port=$svcport #627017 is out of range

kubectl create namespace $namespace

#You can create an initial script but you will have to enable initdbScriptsConfigMap in the values.yaml file

#curl $init > $script
#kubectl create configmap $svcname-init-script --namespace=$namespace --from-file=$script

helm install $svcname oci://$svcname -f values.yaml --namespace=$namespace

echo "Waiting for $svcname startup"
sleep 10
echo "Localhost forward on port $port"
kubectl port-forward -n $namespace svc/$svcname $port:$svcport

You will be able to connect with this command:

% mongosh 'mongodb://mongo@localhost:27017/devdb?authSource=devdb&authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-256'
Enter password: *********
Current Mongosh Log ID:     655744501f719516b4aeded2
Connecting to:              mongodb://<credentials>@localhost:27017/devdb?authSource=devdb&authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-256&directConnection=true&serverSelectionTimeoutMS=2000&appName=mongosh+2.0.2
Using MongoDB:              6.0.11
Using Mongosh:              2.0.2

For mongosh info see:

Warning: Found ~/.mongorc.js, but not ~/.mongoshrc.js. ~/.mongorc.js will not be loaded.
You may want to copy or rename ~/.mongorc.js to ~/.mongoshrc.js.