Setup Minikube for local development
Kubernetes is the SKAO’s container orchestrator of choice, as it brings a full-featured clustering and resource orchestration solution. Running a Kubernetes cluster requires substantial computing power, making it unsuitable for most development scenarios. For that reason, there are several lightweight single-node implementations of Kubernetes available. Minikube is an open-source tool that allows you to run Kubernetes locally. It runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a VM that can be powered by a container or other virtualization solutions, making it simple to setup and lightweight enough for most development machines.
We have created a Minikube setup with useful addons to power local development on Kubernetes. These addons include:
Developer Tools: Common developer tools like kubectl, k9s and helm
Ingress/Load Balancer: Load Balancer that exposes both HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) ports on your host machine. This is helpful if you want to expose your cluster ingresses to the outside world
OCI Registry: OCI Registry making to allow locally-built images to be used within the Minikube cluster
Metallb: Allows to expose on a specific IP each of the Kubernetes services of type LoadBalancer by deploying Metallb
Extdns: External DNS server to expose the FQDNs (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the Kubernetes LoadBalancer services supported by Metallb
DNS Configuration: For systemd-resolved enabled Linux systems, automatically updates the DNS to resolve svc.cluster.local queries
Tango Operator: Enables DeviceServer and DatabaseDS resources (CRDs) to be deployed to the cluster using the SKA Tango Operator
These addons are packaged to try and mimic the setup and tools available in the SKAO development clusters. To know more about what can be changed an what make targets are available, please check Deploy Minikube Reference.
Head over to OCI Engine Installation Guide where we show how to install one of the suggested engines before setting up the Minikube cluster. If you do not install the suggested OCI engine, you need to make changes in the Minikube setup below.
Getting started
Before we can create the cluster, we need an OCI engine running. :
Clone the repository:
git clone git submodule update --recursive --init
Create a customization file at the root directory of the repository:
touch PrivateRules.mak
Define the Minikube driver in PrivateRules.mak:
DRIVER=<podman,docker depending on the OCI engine you setup in the Prerequisites section>
Given the recent updates to the macOS platform, setting up Minikube in macOS is not fully functional. If you face any issues, raise a support ticket. For Apple Silicon platforms, you must use DRIVER=docker. Note that currently, setting up the ExternalDNS service is NOT working. For encrypted filesystems, you must use DRIVER=kvm2. For more information, check the repository README.
Deploy the Minikube cluster and the bundled addons
make all
Inspect the cluster
kubectl get nodes
Checking the addons
Now you have an operational Kubernetes cluster. If the installation make target ran successfuly, we’ve checked for you that the addons are correctly working. Now, lets test it ourselves.
We can use the already deployed SKA Tango Operator and query its metric server:
curl localhost:80/ska-tango-operator/metrics
We can use the already deployed SKA Tango Operator and query its metric server, using the IP published by Metallb. Note that in the previous example, we’ve used the cluster ingress controller. Now we are talking directly to Metallb LoadBalancer instead:
SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc -n ska-tango-operator ska-tango-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}') curl $SERVICE_IP:8080/metrics
To expose the service FQDNs that are Kubernetes services of type LoadBalancer, we’ve deployed ExternalDNS. To test that, you can query the built-in DNS server:
EXTDNS_IP=$(kubectl get svc -n extdns extdns-coredns -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}') dig @$EXTDNS_IP ska-tango-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service.ska-tango-operator.svc.cluster.local
Exposing Minikube to the outside world
To share an application with people and machines outside of your local network, there are applications that we can use to expose a local server. Most commonly used, we have Ngrok or Localtunnel. Let’s set up Ngrok that first requires a free account. Afterwards, we can:
ngrok http 80
The details of the exposed port will be shown in the current shell:
ngrok (Ctrl+C to quit) Build better APIs with ngrok. Early access: Session Status online Account (Plan: Free) Update update available (version 3.4.0, Ctrl-U to update) Version 3.3.4 Region Europe (eu) Latency - Web Interface Forwarding -> http://localhost:80 Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Without closing the shell, your cluster’s ingress is now exposed - using HTTPS - under
The same can be done, for instance, to expose any HTTP server in the cluster. If that is exported as a Service of type LoadBalancer, we can directly expose using:
ngrok http http://<loadbalancer ip>:<loadbalancer port>
To know more about the Minikube setup, please refer to the repository’s README.