1. Setup local development environment
Ubuntu 22.04 is the official development OS for the project, and the instructions assume that’s the OS you are using. Still, some brief explanation and/or official documentation will be provided so that the user can adapt the instructions to other OSes.
1.1. Install the needed base system packages
The base packages that you need are python3 venv, git, and the build tools (gcc, make, etc). On Ubuntu 22.04, you can install them with the following command:
sudo apt install git python3-venv build-essential
1.2. Setup your Git global configuration
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "Your Institutional Email"
1.3. Set python 3 as the default python version
Instructions will vary between OSs, but Ubuntu already provides a handy utility package for this purpose:
sudo apt install python-is-python3
1.4. Install Poetry
Poetry provides an automated install script that will work on most OSes. Check the Poetry official documentation official documentation for more details.
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
1.5. Install Docker
Follow the Official docker documentation for Ubuntu to install docker, and make sure to also follow the linux post install instructions in order to configure the service and user permissions in case you prefer to call docker without sudo.
1.6. Configure Visual Studio Code for local development
Although the user can use any IDE of choice, these instructions will focus on setting up Visual Studio Code for local development as it is the recommended IDE for the project.
Mostly, the user must install the following extensions:
It is also recommended to install the following extensions:
The default configuration for these extensions will be enough for the user to get started.
Another IDE used by a sizeable number of developers in the SKAO is PyCharm, but some of its functionality, specifically parts related to remote and container development, are not available in the free version.