Container Orchestration Guidelines

This section describes a set of standards, conventions and guidelines for deploying application suites on Container Orchestration technologies. For a hands on training please check :

Containerisation and Orchestration Concept PDF

Containerisation and Orchestration exercises


Information regarding examples on these pages may be out of date

Overview of Standards

These standards, best practices and guidelines are based on existing industry standards and tooling. The main references are:

The standards are broken down into the following areas:

  • Structuring application suites for orchestration - general guidelines for breaking up application suites for running in a container orchestration

  • Defining and building cloud native application suites - resource definitions, configuration, platform resource integration

  • Kubernetes primitives - a more detailed look at key components: Pods, Services, Ingress

  • Scheduling and running cloud native application suites - scheduling, execution, monitoring, logging, diagnostics, security considerations

Throughout this documentation, Kubernetes in conjunction with Helm is used as the reference implementation with the canonical versions being Kubernetes v1.16.2 and Helm v3.1.2, however the aim is to target compliance with the OCI specifications and CNF guidelines so it is possible to substitute in alternative Container Orchestration solutions, and tooling.

A set of example Helm Charts are provided in the repository container-orchestration-chart-examples. These can be used to get an overall idea of how the components of a chart function together, and how the life cycle and management of a chart can be managed with make.

Structuring application suites for Orchestration

In order to understand how to structure applications suites for orchestration, we first need to understand what the goals of Cloud Native software engineering are.

what is Cloud Native

It is the embodiment of modern software delivery practices supported by tools, frameworks, processes and platform interfaces.

These capabilities are the next evolution of Cloud Computing, raising the level of abstraction for all actors against the architecture from the hardware unit to the application component.

What does this mean? Developers and system operators (DevOps) interface with the platform architecture using abstract resource concepts, and should have next to no concern regarding the plumbing or wiring of the platform, while still being able to deploy and scale applications according to cost and usage.

Cloud Native exploits the advantages of the Cloud Computing delivery model:

  • PaaS (Platform as a Service) layered on top of IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

  • CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Delivery) – fully automated build, test, deploy

  • Modern DevOps – auto-scaling, monitoring feedback loop to tune resource requirements

  • Software abstraction from platform compute, network, storage

  • Portability across Cloud Services providers

Why Cloud Native SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)?

Cloud Native SDLC

How Kubernetes fits into the Cloud Native SDLC

Kubernetes provides cohesion for distributed projects:

  • Codify standards through implementing testing gates

  • Ensures code quality, consistency and predictability of deployment success – CI/CD

  • Automation – build AND rebuild for zero day exploits at little cost

  • Portability of SDI (Software Defined Infrastructure) as well as code

  • Provides a codified reference implementation of best practices, and exemplars

  • Enables broad engagement – an open and collaborate system - a “Social Coding Platform”

  • Consistent set of standards for integration with SRC (SKA Regional Centres), and other projects – the future platform of integrated science projects through shared resources enabled by common standards

How does orchestration work

At the core of Cloud Native is the container orchestration platform. For the purposes of these guidelines, this consists of Kubernetes as the orchestration layer, over Docker as the container engine.

Kubernetes Architecture

The architecture of Kubernetes at the centre of the Cloud Native platform

Kubernetes provides an abstraction layer from hardware infrastructure resources enabling compute, network, storage, and other dependent services (other applications) to be treated as abstract concepts. A computing cluster is not a collection of machines but instead is an opaque pool of resources, that are advertised for availability through a consistent REST based API. These resources can be customised to provide access to and accounting of specialised devices such as GPUs.

Through the Kubernetes API, the necessary resources that make up an application suite (compute, network, storage) are addressed as objects in an idempotent way that declares the desired state eg: this number of Pods running these containers, backed by this storage, on that network. The scheduler will constantly move the cluster towards this desired state including in the event of application or node/hardware failure. This builds in robustness and auto-healing. See A Quick Introduction to Kubernetes for a general introduction.

Both platform and service resources can be classified by performance characteristics and reservation criteria using labelling, which in turn are used by scheduling algorithms to determine optimum placement of workloads across the cluster. All applications are deployed as sets of one or more containers in a minimum configuration called a Pod. Pods are the minimum scalable unit that are distributed and replicated across the cluster according to the scheduling algorithm. A Pod is essentially a single Kernel namespace holding one or more containers. It only makes sense to put together containers that are essentially tightly coupled and logically indivisible by design. These Pods can be scheduled in a number of patterns using Controllers (full list) including bare Pod (a single Pod instance), Deployment (a replicated Pod set), StatefulSet (a Deployment with certain guarantees about naming and ordering of replicated units), DaemonSets (one Pod per scheduled compute node), and Job/CronJob (run to completion applications).

A detailed discussion of these features can be found in the main Kubernetes documentation under Concepts.

Structuring Application Suites

Architecting software to run in an orchestration environment builds on the guidelines given in the Container Standards ‘Structuring Containerised Applications’ section. The key concepts of treating run time containers as immutable and atomic applications where any application state is explicitly dealt with through connections to storage mechanisms, is key.

The application should be broken into components that represent:

  • an application component has an independent development lifecycle

  • individual process that performs a discrete task such as a micro service, specific database/web service, device, computational task etc.

  • component that exposes a specific service to another application eg. a micro service or database

  • a reusable component that is applicable to multiple application deployments eg. a co-routine or proximity depdendent service (logger, metrics collector, network helper, private database etc)

  • an independently scalable unit that can be replicated to match demand

  • the minimum unit required to match a resource profile at scheduling time such as storage, memory, cpu, specialised device

Above all, design software to scale horizontally through a UNIX process model so that individual components that have independent scaling characteristics can be replicated independently.

The application interface should be through the standard container run time interface contract:

  • inputs come via a configurable Port

  • outputs go to a configurable network service

  • logging goes to stdout/stderr and syslog and uses JSON to enrich metadata (see Container Standards ‘Logging’)

  • metrics are advertised via a standard such as Prometheus Exporters, or emit metrics in a JSON format over TCP consumable by ETL services such as LogStash

  • configuration is passed in using environment variables, and simple configuration files (eg: ini, or key/value pairs).

  • POSIX compliant storage IO is facilitated by bind mounted volumes.

  • connections to DBMS, queuing technologies and object storage are managed through configuration.

  • applications should have builtin recoverability so that prior state and context is automatically discovered on restart. This enables the cluster to auto-heal by re-launching workloads on other resources when nodes fail (critical aspect of a micro-services architecture).

By structuring an application in this fashion, it can scale from the single instance desktop development environment up to a large parallel deployment in production without needing to have explicit understanding builtin for the plumbing and wiring of each specific environment because this is handled through external configuration at the Infrastructure management layer.

Example: Tango Controls

To help illustrate the Cloud Native application architecture concepts, a walk through of a Tango application suite is used.

A Tango Controller System environment is typically made up of the following:

  • Database containing the system state eg: MySQL.

  • DatabaseDS Tango device server.

  • One or more Tango devices.

  • Optional components - Tango REST interface, Tango logviewer, SysAdmin and debugging tools such as Astor and Jive.

These components map to the following Kubernetes resources:

  • MySQL Database == StatefulSet.

  • DatabaseDS == Deployment or StatefulSet.

  • Tango REST interface == Deployment.

  • Tango Device == bare Pod, or single replica Deployment.

This example does not take into consideration an HA deployment of MySQL, treating MySQL as a single instance StatefulSet. Using a StatefulSet in this case gives the following guarantees above a Deployment:

  • Stable unique network identifiers.

  • Stable persistent storage.

  • Ordered graceful deployment and scaling.

  • Ordered automated rolling updates.

These characteristics are useful for stable service types such as databases and message queues.

DatabaseDS is a stateless and horizontally scalable service in it’s own right (state comes from MySQL). This makes it a fit for the Deployment (which in turn uses a ReplicaSet) or the StatefulSet. Deployments are a good fit for stateless components that require high availability through mechanisms such as rolling upgrades.

The Tango Devices are single instance applications that act as a proxy between the ‘real’ hardware being controlled and the DatabaseDS service that provides each Tango Device with a gateway to the Tango cluster state database (MySQL). Considering that in most cases, an upgrade to a Device Pod is likely to be a delete and replace, we can use the simplest case of a bare Pod which will enable us to name each Pod after it’s intended device without the random suffix generated for Deployments.

Example: MPI jobs

A typical MPI application consists of a head node, and worker nodes with the (run to completion) job being launched from the head node, which in turn controls the work distribution over the workers.

This can be broken in to:

  • a generic component type that covers head node and worker nodes.

  • a launcher that triggers the application on the designated head node.

These components map to the following Kubernetes resources:

  • Worker node == DaemonSet or StatefulSet.

  • Launcher and Head node == Job.

MPI jobs typically only require a single instance per physical compute node, and this is exactly the use case of DaemonSets where Kubernetes ensures exactly one instance of a Pod is running on each designated node. Using Jobs enables the launcher and the head node to be combined. Both Job and DaemonSet Pods will most likely need the same library and tools from MPI, so can be combined into a single container image.

Linking Components Together

Components of an application suite or even between suites should use DNS for service discovery. This is achieved by using the Service resource. Services should always be declared before Pods so that the automatic generation of associated Environment Variables happens in time for the subsequent Pods to discover them. Service names are permanent and predictable, and are tied to the Namespace that a application suite is deployed in, for example in the namespace test, the DatabaseDS Tango component can find the MySQL database tangodb using the name tangodb or tangodb.test which is distinctly different to the instance running in the qa namespace also named tangodb but addressable by This greatly simplifies configuration management for software deployment.

Defining and building cloud native application suites

All Kubernetes resource objects are described through the REST based API. The representations of the API documents are in either JSON or YAML, however the preference is for YAML as the description language as this tends to be more human readable. The API representations are declarative, specifying the end desired state. It is up to the Kubernetes scheduler to make this a reality.

It is important to use generic syntax and Kubernetes resource types. Specialised resource types reduce portability of resource descriptors and templates, and increase dependency on 3rd party integrations. This could lead to upgrade paralysis because the SDLC is out of our control. An example of this might be using a non-standard 3rd party Database Operator for MySQL instead of the official Oracle one.


Each resource is described with:

  • apiVersion - API version that this document should invoke

  • kind - resource type (object) that is to be handled

  • metadata - descriptive information including name, labels, annotations, namespace, ownership, references

  • spec(ification) - the body of the specification for this resource type denoted by kind

The following is an example of the start of a StatefulSet for the Tango DatabaseDS:

Resource description

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: databaseds-integration-tmc-webui-test
  labels: databaseds-integration-tmc-webui-test integration-tmc-webui-0.1.0 test helm


Even though it is possible to specify the namespace directly in the Metadata, it SHOULD NOT be, as this reduces the flexibility of any resource definition and templating solution employed such as Helm. The namespace can be specified at run time eg: kubectl --namespace test apply -f resource-file.yaml.

Name and Labels

Naming and labelling of all resources associated with a deployment should be consistent. This ensures that deployments that land in the same namespace can be identified along with all inter-dependencies. This is particulaly useful when using the kubectl command line tool as label based filtering can be employed to sieve out all related objects.

Labels are entirely flexible and free form, but as a minimum specify:

  • the name and with the same identifier with sufficient precision that the same application component deplyed in the same namespace can be distinguished eg: a concatenation of <application>-<suite>-<release>. name and are duplicated because label filter interaction between resources relies on labels eg: Service exposing Pods of a Deployment.

  • the labels of the deployment suite such as the for Helm, including the version.

  • the (which is release) of the deployment suite.

  • what tooling is used to manage this deployment - most likely helm.

Optional extras which are also useful for filtering are:

  • the component version.

  • the component type (most likely related to the primary container).

  • what kind of application suite this component belongs to.

The recommended core label set are described under Kubernetes common labels.

  name: databaseds-integration-tmc-webui-test
  labels: databaseds-integration-tmc-webui-test integration-tmc-webui-0.1.0 test "1.0.3" databaseds tango helm

Using this labelling scheme enables filtering for all deployment related objects eg: kubectl get all -l,

kubectl label filtering

$ kubectl get all,configmaps,secrets,pv,pvc -l,
NAME                                          READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
pod/databaseds-integration-tmc-webui-test-0   1/1     Running    0          55s
pod/rsyslog-integration-tmc-webui-test-0      1/1     Running    0          55s
pod/tangodb-integration-tmc-webui-test-0      1/1     Running    0          55s
pod/tangotest-integration-tmc-webui-test      1/1     Running    0          55s
pod/webjive-integration-tmc-webui-test-0      0/6     Init:0/1   0          55s

NAME                                            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                       AGE
service/databaseds-integration-tmc-webui-test   ClusterIP   None          <none>        10000/TCP                                     55s
service/rsyslog-integration-tmc-webui-test      ClusterIP   None          <none>        514/TCP,514/UDP                               55s
service/tangodb-integration-tmc-webui-test      ClusterIP   None          <none>        3306/TCP                                      55s
service/webjive-integration-tmc-webui-test      ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP,5004/TCP,3012/TCP,8080/TCP,27017/TCP   55s

NAME                                                     READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/databaseds-integration-tmc-webui-test   1/1     55s
statefulset.apps/rsyslog-integration-tmc-webui-test      1/1     55s
statefulset.apps/tangodb-integration-tmc-webui-test      1/1     55s
statefulset.apps/webjive-integration-tmc-webui-test      0/1     55s

NAME                                                  CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                                        STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
persistentvolume/rsyslog-integration-tmc-webui-test   10Gi       RWO            Retain           Bound    default/rsyslog-integration-tmc-webui-test   standard                56s
persistentvolume/tangodb-integration-tmc-webui-test   1Gi        RWO            Retain           Bound    default/tangodb-integration-tmc-webui-test   standard                55s
persistentvolume/webjive-integration-tmc-webui-test   1Gi        RWO            Retain           Bound    default/webjive-integration-tmc-webui-test   standard                55s

NAME                                                       STATUS   VOLUME                               CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/rsyslog-integration-tmc-webui-test   Bound    rsyslog-integration-tmc-webui-test   10Gi       RWO            standard       56s
persistentvolumeclaim/tangodb-integration-tmc-webui-test   Bound    tangodb-integration-tmc-webui-test   1Gi        RWO            standard       55s
persistentvolumeclaim/webjive-integration-tmc-webui-test   Bound    webjive-integration-tmc-webui-test   1Gi        RWO            standard       55s

Templating the Application

While it is entirely possible to define all the necessary resources for an application suite to be deployed on Kubernetes in individual or a single YAML file, this approach is static and quickly reveals it’s limitations in terms of creating reusable and composable application suites. This is where Helm Charts have been adopted by the Kubernetes community as the leading templating solution for deployment. Helm provides a mechanism for generically describing an application suite, separating out configuration, and rolling out deployment releases all done in a declarative ‘configuration as code’ style. All Helm Charts should target a minimum of three environments:

  • Minikube - the standalone developer environment.

  • CI/CD - the Continuous Integration testing environment which is typically the same benchmark as Minikube.

  • Production Cluster - the target production Kubernetes environment.

Minikube should be the default target environment for a Chart, as this will have the largest audience and should be optimised to work without modification of any configuration if possible.

When designing a Chart it is important to have clear separation of concerns:

  • the application - essentially the containers to run.

  • configuration - any variables that influence the application run time.

  • resources - any storage, networking, configuration files, secrets, ACLs.

The general structure of a Chart should follow:

        Chart.yaml          # A YAML file containing information about the chart and listing
                            # dependencies for the chart (refer to Helm 2 vs Helm 3 differences).
        LICENSE             # OPTIONAL: A plain text file containing the license for the chart           # OPTIONAL: A human-readable README file
        values.yaml         # The default configuration values for this chart
        charts/             # A directory containing any charts upon which this chart depends.
        templates/          # A directory of templates that, when combined with values,
                            # will generate valid Kubernetes manifest files.
        templates/NOTES.txt # OPTIONAL: A plain text file containing short usage notes
        templates/tests     # A directory of test templates for running with 'helm test'

All template files in the templates/ directory should be named in a readily identifiable way after the component that it contains, and if further clarification is required then it should be suffixed with the Kind of resource eg: tangodb.yaml contains the StatefulSet for the Tango database, and tangodb-pv.yaml contains the PersistentVolume declaration for the Tango database. ConfigMaps should be clustered in configmaps.yaml and Secrets in secrets.yaml. The aim is to make it easy for others to understand the layout of application suite being deployed.

Helm sub-chart architecture

Introduction to subcharts

A chart can have one or more dependencies charts, called sub-charts. According to the helm documentation:

  • a chart is stand-alone (cannot depend on a parent chart),

  • a sub-chart cannot access the values of its parent,

  • a parent sub-chart can override values for its sub-charts and

  • all charts (parent and sub-chart) can access the global values.

Let’s consider two charts, A and B where A depends on B. The file Chart.yaml for the chart A will specify the dependency and in the values file it is possible for chart A to override any value of chart B. The following figure shows how to do it:

A parent of B

Chart A parent of chart B

It is also important to consider the operational aspects of using dependencies which state that when Helm installs/upgrades a chart, the Kubernetes objects from the chart and all its dependencies are

  • aggregated into a single set; then

  • sorted by type followed by name; and then

  • created/updated in that order.

This means that if chart A defines the following k8s resources:

  • namespace “A-Namespace”

  • statefulset “A-StatefulSet”

  • service “A-Service”

  • and chart B defines the following k8s resources:

  • namespace “B-Namespace”

  • statefulset “B-ReplicaSet”

  • service “B-Service”

Then the result of the helm install command for chart A will be:

  • A-Namespace

  • B-Namespace

  • A-Service

  • B-Service

  • B-ReplicaSet

  • A-StatefulSet.

Subcharts architecture

Considering the Module Views for the evolutionary prototype (section “Primary representation: MVP Uses in Kubernetes Deployment”), a partial dependency diagram for the helm charts available within the group can be represented by the following diagram:

Simple skampi diagram

Simple skampi diagram

All charts depend on the tango-base and, in general, all charts could need the archiver and the webjive interface. At the moment, this is modelled in skampi repository where there is one parent chart called skampi and all other charts are its subcharts. They are installed with Helm templating instead of normal installation There are a number of disadvantages in this model specifically:

  • Common testing: one place for all integration testing. No clear distinction between system and integration tests

  • Not easy to find logs: many tests on the same namespace

  • Same namespace for many deployments

  • No versioning: charts are not versioned

Three solutions have been proposed and described in the Supporting model page:

  1. One parent chart (umbrella) that contains everything needed and Subcharts with no dependency

  2. Charts with dependencies and Subcharts enabled by levels

  3. Charts with dependencies and Subcharts enabled with conditions and tags

The chosen solution is an hybrid approach which enables a single level hierarchy for the shared charts and umbrella charts for charts composition (i.e. specific deployment or testing purpose). The rational is:

  • Every chart can be deployed with its own tango eco-system

  • Every chart can have tango-base, webjive and the archiver as dependencies

Chart TMC with shared charts

Chart TMC with shared charts

Every dependency must have a common condition on it, so that it will be possible to disable the shared charts if they are included in the parent umbrella. For instance if there is the need (for testing purposes) to have the TMC and the OET charts together the result will be:

Umbrella chart with tmc and oet

Umbrella chart with tmc and oet charts

The initial model will become:

Umbrella chart for skampi

Umbrella chart for skampi: initial model refactored

Gitlab Helm/k8s testing pipeline

In order to enable the GitLab pipeline to deploy and test the specific component each ska-telescope repository must:

Also, note that each project/repository in the ska-telescope group has a Kubernetes cluster already enabled.

The test job of the GitLab pipeline needs to be:

stage: test
  - docker-executor
  - kubectl version
  - make install-chart
  - make wait
  - make smoketest
  - make test
  - make uninstall-chart
  - make delete_namespace
  name: test
    - "charts/build"
    junit: charts/build/report.xml


  • make install: installs the chart in the namespace specified in the environment tag

  • make wait: wait for all jobs to be completed and all pods to be running

  • make smoketest: checks that no containers are waiting

  • make test:

    1. Create a pod into the specified namespace

    2. Run pytests

    3. Return the tests results

  • after_script: remove everything after tests

The artifacts are the output of the tests and it will have the report both in xml and json but also other information like the pytest output.

Tango-util library chart

A library chart is a type of Helm chart that defines chart primitives or definitions which can be shared by Helm templates in other charts. In SKAMPI, many charts are a collections of device servers so it is possible to harmonize their definition with a library so to keep charts DRY.

The following diagram shows the data model for the harmonized values file:

Data model for the values file

Data model for the values file





collection of files that describe a related set of Kubernetes resources


built-in objects of helm which provides access to values passed into the chart for templating


dsconfig file configuration


TANGO Device Server


TANGO device


Global values accessible by all charts


to be added to all Kubernetes resources

Environment variables

Name/Value pair available in shell


Detail of the docker image to be used


struct for characterise the resource requests and limits for a device server


struct for characterise a DB software application


  • Almost all helm charts in the Skampi repository are device server configurations so it appears natural to start the modelling from that concept

  • The depends_on relationship has been added so that it is possible to extract the dependency map of the MVP prototype

  • Every chart of the ska-telescope can have the shared charts in the dependency list

  • The annotations block has been added to enable GitLab’s Deploy Boards

  • The DeviceServer struct specifies the shell args so that it is possible to start the related container instance of the linked image


With this architecture, a number of advantages can be obtained:

  • By using a separate deployment (i.e. Namespace) for each test, searching for all the logs of a particular test will be easy: example

  • Requires teams to create versions of docker images and charts

  • Avoids the use of docker-compose in favour of Kubernetes testing

  • Harmonized values yml files (for «common» definitions i.e. TANGO device servers)

  • Unit and integration testing within the repositories of teams

  • Skampi testing becomes system testing

Helm Best Practices

The Helm community have a well defined set of best practices. The following highlights key aspects of these practices that will help with achieving consistency and reliability.

  • charts should be placed in a charts/ directory within the parent project.

  • chart names should be lowercase and hyphenated and must match the directory name eg. charts/my-app.

  • name, version, description, home, maintainers and sources must be included.

  • version must follow the Semantic Versioning standards.

  • the chart must pass the helm lint charts/<chart-name> test.


Helm 2 vs Helm 3

It should be noted that we have now migrated to using Helm 3. Feel free to upgrade Helm in your development environments using our Ansible Playbook upgrade_helm.yml found in the SKA Ansible Playbooks repository.

There are a few changes that may impact specific cases, to read up on them please read up at This blog post, as well as on Helm’s own FAQ page.

Example Chart.yaml file:

name: my-app
version: 1.0.0
description: Very important app
- magic
- mpi
- name: myaccount

Metadata with Helm

All resources should have the following boilerplate metadata to ensure that all resources can be uniquely identified to the chart, application and release:

name: <component>-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}
labels: <component>-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }} "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}" "{{ .Release.Name }}" "{{ .Release.Service }}"

Defining resources

The Helm templating language is based on Go template.

All resources go in the templates/ directory with the general rule is one Kubernetes resource per template file. Files that render resources are suffixed .yaml whilst files that contain expressions and macros only go in files suffixed .tpl.

Sample resource template for a Service generated by ‘helm create mychart’

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: {{ include "mychart.fullname" . }}
labels: {{ include "" . }} {{ include "mychart.chart" . }} {{ .Release.Name }} {{ .Release.Service }}
  type: {{ .Values.service.type }}
  - port: {{ .Values.service.port }}
    targetPort: http
    protocol: TCP
    name: http
  selector: {{ include "" . }} {{ .Release.Name }}

Expression or macro template generated by ‘helm create mychart’

{{/* vim: set filetype=mustache: */}}
Expand the name of the chart.
{{- define "" -}}
{{- default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}

Create a default fully qualified app name.
We truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec).
If release name contains chart name it will be used as a full name.
{{- define "mychart.fullname" -}}
{{- if .Values.fullnameOverride -}}
{{- .Values.fullnameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $name := default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride -}}
{{- if contains $name .Release.Name -}}
{{- .Release.Name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- printf "%s-%s" .Release.Name $name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Create chart name and version as used by the chart label.
{{- define "mychart.chart" -}}
{{- printf "%s-%s" .Chart.Name .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}}
{{- end -}}

Tightly coupled resources may go in the same template file where they are logically linked or there is a form of dependency.

An example of logically linked resources are PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim definitions. Keeping these together makes debugging and maintenance easier.

PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim definitions

kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
    name: tangodb-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}
    namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
labels: tangodb-{{ template "" . }} "{{ .Release.Name }}" "{{ .Release.Service }}" "{{ template "tango-chart-example.chart" . }}"
    storageClassName: standard
        storage: 1Gi
        - ReadWriteOnce
        path: /data/tangodb-{{ template "" . }}/

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    name: tangodb-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}
    namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
labels: tangodb-{{ template "" . }} "{{ .Release.Name }}" "{{ .Release.Service }}" "{{ template "tango-chart-example.chart" . }}"
    storageClassName: standard
        - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: 1Gi
    volumeName: tangodb-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}

An example of dependency is the declaration of a Service before the associated Pod/Deployment/StatefulSet/DaemonSet. The Pod will get the environment variables set from the Service as this will be evaluated by the Kubernetes API first as guaranteed by being in the same template file.

Service before the associated Pod/Deployment

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: tango-rest-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}
namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
labels: tango-rest-{{ template "" . }} "{{ .Release.Name }}" "{{ .Release.Service }}" "{{ template "tango-chart-example.chart" . }}"
  type: ClusterIP
  - name: rest
    port: 80
    targetPort: rest
    protocol: TCP
  selector: tango-rest-{{ template "" . }} "{{ .Release.Name }}"

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: tango-rest-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}
  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
labels: tango-rest-{{ template "" . }} "{{ .Release.Name }}" "{{ .Release.Service }}" "{{ template "tango-chart-example.chart" . }}"
  replicas: {{ .Values.tangorest.replicas }}
      labels: tango-rest-{{ template "" . }} "{{ .Release.Name }}" "{{ .Release.Service }}" "{{ template "tango-chart-example.chart" . }}"
      - name: tango-rest
        image: "{{ .Values.tangorest.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.tangorest.image.image }}:{{ .Values.tangorest.image.tag }}"
        imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.tangorest.image.pullPolicy }}
        - /usr/local/bin/
        - databaseds-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}:10000
        - --timeout=30
        - --strict
        - --
        - /usr/bin/supervisord
        - --configuration
        - /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
          - name: TANGO_HOST
            value: databaseds-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}:10000
          - name: rest
            containerPort: 8080
            protocol: TCP
    restartPolicy: Always
{{- with .Values.nodeSelector }}
{{ toYaml . | indent 8 }}
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.affinity }}
{{ toYaml . | indent 8 }}
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.tolerations }}
{{ toYaml . | indent 8 }}
{{- end }}


It may also be necessary to consider the alphabetic ordering of template files, if there is a declaration dependency wider than the immediate file, for instance when s Service definition and it’s environment variables are necessary for multiple Deployment/StatefulSet/DaemonSet definitions. In this case, it maybe necessary to use a numerical file prefix such as 00-service-and-pod.yaml, 01-db-statefulset.yaml …

Use comments liberally in the template files to describe the intended purpose of the resource declarations and any other features of the template markup. # YAML comments get copied through to the rendered template output and are a valuable help when debugging template issues with helm template charts/chart-name/ ... .

Managing configuration

Helm charts and the Go templating engine enable separation of application management concerns along multiple lines:

  • resources are broken out into related and named templates.

  • Application specific configuration values are placed in ConfigMaps.

  • volatile run time configuration values are placed in the values.yaml file, and then templated into ConfigMaps, container commandline parameters or environment variables as required.

  • sensitive configuration is placed in Secrets.

  • template content is programable (iterators and operators) and this can be parameterised at template rendering time.

Variable names for template substitution should observe the following rules:

  • Use camel-case or lowercase variable names - never hyphenated.

  • Structure parameter values in shallow nested structures to make it easier to pass on the Helm command line eg: --set is convoluted compared to --set

  • Use explicitly typed values eg: enabled: false is not enabled: "false".

  • Be careful of how YAML parsers coerce value types - long integers get coerced into scientific notation so if in doubt use strings and type casting eg: foo: "12345678" and {{ | int }}.

  • use comments in the values.yaml liberally to describe the intended purpose of variables.

Config in ConfigMaps

ConfigMaps can be used to populate Pod configuration files, environment variables and command line parameters where the values are largely stable, and should not be bundled with the container itself. This should include any (small) data artefacts that could be different (hence configured) between different instances of the running containers. Even files that already exist inside a given container image can be overwritten by using the volumeMounts example below.

ConfigMap values in Pods

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: special-config
  namespace: default
  SPECIAL_TYPE: charming
  example.ini: |-
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
 name: dapi-test-pod
    - name: test-container
      # accessing ConfigMap values in the commandline fron env vars
      command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "echo $(SPECIAL_LEVEL_KEY) $(SPECIAL_TYPE_KEY); cat /etc/config/example.ini" ]
        # reference the map and key to assign to env var
        - name: SPECIAL_LEVEL_KEY
              name: special-config
              key: SPECIAL_LEVEL
        - name: SPECIAL_TYPE_KEY
              name: special-config
              key: SPECIAL_TYPE
      # mount a ConfigMap file blob as a configuration file
      - name: config-volume
        mountPath: /etc/config/example.ini
        subPath: example.ini
        readOnly: true
    - name: config-volume
        # Provide the name of the ConfigMap containing the files you want
        # to add to the container
        name: special-config
  restartPolicy: Never
# check the logs with kubectl logs dapi-test-pod
# clean up with kubectl delete pod/dapi-test-pod configmap/special-config

Where configuration objects are large or have a sensitive format, then separate these out from the configmaps.yaml file, and then include them using the template directive: tpl (.Files.Glob "configs/*").AsConfig . ) where the configs/ directory is relative to the charts/my-chart directory.

ConfigMap file blobs separated

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: config-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}
labels: config-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }} "{{ .Release.Name }}" "{{ .Release.Service }}" "{{ template "tango-chart-example.chart" . }}"
{{ (tpl (.Files.Glob "configs/*").AsConfig . ) | indent 2  }}


Secrets information is treated in almost exactly the same way as ConfigMaps. While the default configuration (as at v1.14.x) is for Secrets to be stored as Base64 encoded in the etcd database, it is possible and expected that the Kubernetes cluster will be configured with encryption at rest (available from v1.13). All account details, passwords, tokens, keys and certificates should be extracted and managed using Secrets.

As was for ConfigMaps, separate Secrets out into the secrets.yaml template.

Secret values in Pods

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mysecret
type: Opaque
  username: myuser
  password: mypassword
  config.yaml: |-
    apiUrl: ""
    username: myuser
    password: mypassword

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: secret-env-pod
  - name: mycontainer
    # accessing Secret values in the commandline fron env vars
    command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "echo $(SECRET_USERNAME) $(SECRET_PASSWORD); cat /etc/config/example.yaml" ]
          name: mysecret
          key: username
          name: mysecret
          key: password
    - name: foo
      mountPath: "/etc/config"
  - name: foo
      secretName: mysecret
      - key: config.yaml
        path: example.yaml
        mode: 511
  restartPolicy: Never
# check the logs with kubectl logs secret-env-pod
# clean up with kubectl delete pod/secret-env-pod secret/mysecret

Where sensitive data objects are large or have a sensitive format, then separate these out from the secrets.yaml file, and then include them using the template directive: tpl (.Files.Glob "secrets/*").AsSecrets . ) where the secrets/ directory is relative to the charts/my-chart directory.

Secret file blobs separated

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: secret-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}
labels: secret-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }} "{{ .Release.Name }}" "{{ .Release.Service }}" "{{ template "tango-chart-example.chart" . }}"
type: Opaque
{{ (tpl (.Files.Glob "secrets/*").AsSecrets . ) | indent 2  }}


PersistentVolumes and partner PersistentVolumeClaims should be defined by default in a separate template. This template should be bracketed with a switch to enable the storage declaration to be turned off (eg: {{ if .Values.tangodb.createpv }}), which will most likely be dependent on, and optimised for each environment.

On the PersistentVolume:

  • All storage should be treated as ephemeral by setting persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete.

  • Explicitly set volume mode eg: volumeMode: Filesystem so that it is clear whether Filesystem or Block is being requested.

  • Explicitly set the access mode eg: ReadWriteOnce, ReadOnlyMany, or ReadWriteMany so that it is clear what access rights containers are expected to have.

  • always specify the storage class - this should always default to standard eg: storageClassName: standard given that the default target environment is Minikube.

On the PersistentVolumeClaim:

  • Always specify the matching storage class eg: storageClassName: standard, so that it will bind to the intended PersistentVolume storage class.

  • Where possible, always specify an explicit PersistentVolume with volumeName eg: volumeName: tangodb-tango-chart-example-test. This will force the PersistentVolumeClaim to bind to a specific PersistentVolume and storage class, avoiding the loosely binding issues that volumes can have.

Storage In Kubernetes Clusters Managed by the Systems Team

In any of the existing deployed Kubernetes clusters there are a number of default StorageClasses available, that are backed by Ceph, and integrated using Rook. The StorageClass es expose RDB block devices and CephFS Network File System based storage to Kubernetes.

The StorageClasses are as follows:


Maps to




Shared Network Filesystem - ReadWriteMany


alias to nfss1

Shared Network Filesystem - ReadWriteMany



Single concurrent use ext4 - ReadWriteOnce


alias to bds1

Single concurrent use ext4 - ReadWriteOnce

StorageClass naming convention follows the following pattern:

<xxx type><x class><n version>[-<location>]

  • xxx type - bd=block device, nfs=network filesystem

  • x class - s=standard,i=iops optimised (could be ssd/nvme), t=throughput optimised (could be hdd, or cheaper ssd)

  • n version - 1=first version,…

  • location - future tag for denoting location context, rack, dc, etc

Current classes:

  • bds1 - block device - single mount (ReadWriteOnce) - standard - version 1

  • nfss1 - network filesystem enabled storage (ReadWriteMany) - standard - version 1

  • block = shortcut for bds1

  • nfs = shortcut for nfss1


Helm Chart tests live in the templates/tests directory, and are essentially one Pod per file that must be run-to-completion (i.e. restartPolicy: Never). These Pods are annotated in one of two ways:

  • "": test-success - Pod is expected to exit with return code 0

  • "": test-failure - Pod is expected to exit with return code not equal 0

This is a simple solution for test assertions at the Pod scale.

As with any other resource definition, tests should have name and metadata correctly scoping them. End the Pod name with a string that indicates what the test is suffixed with -test.

Helm tests, must be self contained are should be atomic and non-destructive as the intention is that a chart user can use the tests to determine that the chart installed correctly. As with the following example, the test is for checking that Pods can reach the DatabaseDS service. Other tests might be checking services are correctly exposed via Ingress.

Helm Chart test Pod - metadata and annotations on a simple connection test

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: databaseds-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}-connection-test
  namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
  labels: databaseds-{{ template "" . }} "{{ .Release.Name }}" "{{ .Release.Service }}" "{{ template "tango-chart-example.chart" . }}"
    "": test-success
  {{- if .Values.pullSecrets }}
  {{- range .Values.pullSecrets }}
    - name: {{ . }}
  {{- end}}
  {{- end }}
  - name: databaseds-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}-connection-test
    image: "{{ .Values.powersupply.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.powersupply.image.image }}:{{ .Values.powersupply.image.tag }}"
    imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.powersupply.image.pullPolicy }}
      - sh
      - -c
      - "( retry --max=10 -- tango_admin --ping-device test/power_supply/1 ) && echo 'test OK'"
    - name: TANGO_HOST
      value: databaseds-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}:10000
  restartPolicy: Never

Integrating a chart into the SKAMPI repo


To integrate a helm chart into the SKAMPI repo, follow these steps:

Local steps

  • Clone the SKAMPI repo, available here.

  • Add a directory in charts with a descriptive name

  • Add your helm chart and associated files within that directory

  • Check the validity of the chart

    • Verify that the chart is formatted correctly

      helm lint ./charts/<your_chart_directory>/
    • Verify that the templates are rendered correctly and the output is as expected

      helm install --dry-run --debug ./charts/<your_chart_directory>/
    • Check that your chart deploys locally (utilising minikube as per our standards) and behaves as expected

      make deploy KUBE_NAMESPACE=integration
      make deploy KUBE_NAMESPACE=integration HELM_CHART=<your_chart_directory>
  • Once functionality has been confirmed, go ahead and commit and push the changes


Once the changes had been pushed it will be built in Gitlab. Find the pipeline builds at

If the pipeline completes successfully, the full integration environment will be available at selected deployment environment which should be accessible from pipeline, i.e. for stfc.

Kubernetes primitives

The following focuses on the core Kubernetes primitives - Pod, Service, and Ingress. These provide the core delivery chain of a networked application to the end consumer.

The Pod

The Pod is the basic deployable application unit in Kubernetes, and provides the primary configurable context of an application component. Within this construct, all configuration and resources are plugged in to the application.

This is a complete example that demonstrates container patterns, initContainers and life-cycle hooks discussed in the following sections.

Container patterns and life-cycle hooks

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: pod-examples
  type: ClusterIP
    app: pod-examples
  - name: http
    protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: http

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: pod-examples
    app: pod-examples
  replicas: 1
        app: pod-examples
      # lifecyle containers as hooks share state using volumes
      - name: shared-data
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: the-end
          path: /tmp
          type: Directory

      # initContainers can initialise data, and do pre-flight checks
      - name: init-container
        image: alpine
        command: ['sh', '-c', "echo 'initContainer says: hello!' > /pod-data/status.txt"]
        - name: shared-data
          mountPath: /pod-data

      # primary data generator container
      - name: main-app-container
        image: alpine
        command: ["/bin/sh"]
        args: ["-c", "while true; do echo 'Main app says: ' `date` >> /pod-data/status.txt; sleep 5;done"]
          # postStart hook is async task called on Pod boot
          # useful for async container warmup tasks that are not hard dependencies
          # definitely not guaranteed to run before main container command
              command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo 'Hello from the postStart handler' >> /pod-data/status.txt"]
          # preStop hook is async task called on Pod termination
          # useful for initiating termination cleanup tasks
          # definitely not guaranteed to complete before container termination (sig KILL)
              command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo 'Hello from the preStop handler' >> /the-end/last.txt"]
        - name: shared-data
          mountPath: /pod-data
        - name: the-end
          mountPath: /the-end

      # Sidecar helper that exposes data over http
      - name: sidecar-nginx-container
        image: nginx
          - name: http
            containerPort: 80
            protocol: TCP
        - name: shared-data
          mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
            path: /index.html
            port: http
            path: /index.html
            port: http

      # Ambassador pattern used as a proxy or shim to access external inputs
      # gets date from Google and adds it to input
      - name: ambassador-container
        image: alpine
        command: ["/bin/sh"]
        args: ["-c", "while true; do echo 'Ambassador says: '`wget -S -q '' 2>&1 | grep -i '^  Date:' | head -1 | sed 's/^  [Dd]ate: //g'` > /pod-data/input.txt; sleep 60; done"]
        - name: shared-data
          mountPath: /pod-data

      # Adapter pattern used as a proxy or shim to generate/render outputs
      # fit for external consumption (similar to Sidecar)
      # reformats input data from sidecar and ambassador ready for output
      - name: adapter-container
        image: alpine
        command: ["/bin/sh"]
        args: ["-c", "while true; do cat /pod-data/status.txt | head -3 > /pod-data/index.html; cat /pod-data/input.txt | head -1 >> /pod-data/index.html; cat /pod-data/status.txt | tail -1 >> /pod-data/index.html;  echo 'All from your friendly Adapter' >> /pod-data/index.html; sleep 5; done"]
        - name: shared-data
          mountPath: /pod-data

This will produce output that demonstrates each of the containers fulfilling their role:

$ curl http://`kubectl get service/pod-examples -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}"`
initContainer says: hello!
Main app says:  Thu May 2 03:45:42 UTC 2019
Hello from the postStart handler
Ambassador says: Thu, 02 May 2019 03:45:55 GMT
Main app says:  Thu May 2 03:46:12 UTC 2019
All from your friendly Adapter

$ kubectl delete deployment/pod-examples service/pod-examples
deployment.extensions "pod-examples" deleted
service "pod-examples" deleted
piers@wattle:~$ cat /tmp/last.txt
Hello from the preStop handler

Container patterns

The Pod is a cluster of one or more containers that share the same resource namespaces. This enables the Pod cluster to communicate as though they are on the same host which is ideal for preserving the one-process-per-container ideal, but be able to deliver orchestrated processes as a single application that can be separately maintained.

All Pod deployments should be designed around having a core or leading container. All other containers in the Pod provide auxillary or secondary services. There are three main patterns for multi-container Pods:

  • Sidecar - extend the primary container functionality eg: adds logging, metrics, health checks (as input to livenessProbe/readinessProbe).

  • Ambasador - container that acts as an out-bound proxy for the primary container by handling translations to external services.

  • Adapter - container that acts as an in-bound proxy for the primary container aligning interfaces with alternative standards.


Any serial container action that does not neatly fit into the one-process-per-container pattern, should be placed in an initContainer. These are typically actions like initialising databases, checking for upgrade processes, executing migrations. initContainer are executed in order, and if any one of them fails, the Pod will be restarted inline with the restartPolicy. With this behaviour, it is important to ensure that the initContainer actions are idempotent, or there will be harmful side effects on restarts.


Life-cycle hooks have very few effective usecases as there is no guarantee that a postStart task will run before the main container command does (this is demonstrated above), and there is no guarantee that a preStop task (which is only issued when a Pod is terminated - not completed) will complete before the KILL signal is issued to the parent container after the cluster wide configured grace period (30s).

The value of the lifecycle hooks are generally reserved for:

  • postStart - running an asynchronous non-critical task in the parent container that would otherwise slow down the boot time for the Pod and impact service availability.

  • preStop - initiating asynchronous clean up tasks via an external service - essentially an opportunity to send a quick message out before the Pod is fully terminated.


Readiness probes are used by the scheduler to determine whether the container is in a state ready to serve requests. Liveness probes are used by the scheduler to determine whether the container continues to be in a healthy state for serving requests. Where possible, livenessProbe and readinessProbe should be specified. This is automatically used to calculate whether a Pod is available and healthy and whether it should be added and load balanced in a Service. These features can play an important role in the continuity of service when clusters are auto-healed, workloads are shifted from node to node, or during rolling updates to deployments.

The following shows the registered probes and their status for the sidecar container in the examples above:

$ kubectl describe deployment.apps/pod-examples
    Image:        nginx
    Port:         80/TCP
    Host Port:    0/TCP
    Liveness:     http-get http://:http/index.html delay=0s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
    Readiness:    http-get http://:http/index.html delay=0s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
    Environment:  <none>
    /usr/share/nginx/html from shared-data (rw)

While probes can be a command, it is better to make health checks an http service that is combined with an application metrics handler so that external applications can use the same feature to do health checking (eg: Prometheus, or Icinga).

Sharing, Networking, Devices, Host Resource Access

Sharing resources is often the bottle neck in High Performance Computing, and where the greatest attention to detail is required with containerised applications in order to gain acceptable performance and efficency.

Containers within a Pod can share resources with each other directly using shared volumes, network, and memory. These are the preferred methods because they are cross-platform portable for containers in general, Kubernetes and OS/hardware.

The following example demonstrates how to share memory as a volume between containers:

Pod containers sharing memory

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: pod-sharing-memory-examples
    app: pod-sharing-memory-examples
  type: ClusterIP
    app: pod-sharing-memory-examples
  - name: ncat
    protocol: TCP
    port: 5678
    targetPort: ncat

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: pod-sharing-memory-examples
    app: pod-sharing-memory-examples
  replicas: 1
        app: pod-sharing-memory-examples
      # Producer - write to shared memory
      - name: producer-container
        image: python:3.7
        command: ["/bin/sh"]
        args: ["-c", "python3 /src/ -p; sleep infinity"]
        - name: src
          mountPath: /src/
          readOnly: true
        - mountPath: /dev/shm
          name: dshm

      # Consumer - read from shared memory and publish on 5678
      - name: consumer-container
        image: python:3.7
        command: ["/bin/sh"]
        # mutating container - this is bad practice but we need netcat for this example
        args: ["-c", "apt-get update; apt-get -y install netcat-openbsd; python3 -u /src/ | nc -l -k -p 5678; sleep infinity"]
        - name: ncat
          containerPort: 5678
          protocol: TCP
        - name: src
          mountPath: /src/
          readOnly: true
        - mountPath: /dev/shm
          name: dshm

        - name: src
            name: pod-sharing-memory-examples
        - name: dshm
            medium: Memory

    # test with:
    # $ nc `kubectl get service/pod-sharing-memory-examples -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}"` 5678
    # Producers says: 2019-05-05 19:21:10
    # Producers says: 2019-05-05 19:21:11
    # Producers says: 2019-05-05 19:21:12
    # $ kubectl delete deployment,svc,configmap -l app=pod-sharing-memory-examples
    # deployment.extensions "pod-sharing-memory-examples" deleted
    # service "pod-sharing-memory-examples" deleted
    # configmap "pod-sharing-memory-examples" deleted
    # debug with: kubectl logs -l app=pod-sharing-memory-examples -c producer-container

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: pod-sharing-memory-examples
    app: pod-sharing-memory-examples
data: |-
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    """ example mmap python client

    import datetime
    import time
    import getopt
    import os
    import os.path
    import sys
    import logging
    from collections import namedtuple
    import mmap
    import signal

    def parse_opts():
        """ Parse out the command line options
        options = {
            'mqueue': "/example_shared_memory_queue",
            'debug': False,
            'producer': False

            (opts, _) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
        except getopt.GetoptError:
            print(' [-d -p -m <message_queue_name>]')

        dopts = {}
        for (key, value) in opts:
            dopts[key] = value
        if '-p' in dopts:
            options['producer'] = True
        if '-m' in dopts:
            options['mqueue'] = dopts['-m']
        if '-d' in dopts:
            options['debug'] = True

        # container class for options parameters
        option = namedtuple('option', options.keys())
        return option(**options)

    # main
    def main():
        """ Main
        options = parse_opts()

        # setup logging
        logging.basicConfig(level=(logging.DEBUG if options.debug
                                else logging.INFO),
                            format=('%(asctime)s [%(name)s] ' +
                                    '%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))'mqueue: %s mode: %s', options.mqueue,
                    ('Producer' if options.producer else 'Consumer'))

        # trap the keyboard interrupt
        def signal_handler(signal_caught, frame):
            """ Catch the keyboard interrupt and gracefully exit
  'You pressed Ctrl+C!: %s/%s', signal_caught, frame)

        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)

        mqueue_fd ="/dev/shm/" + options.mqueue,
                            os.O_RDWR | os.O_SYNC | os.O_CREAT)

        last = ""
        while True:
                if options.producer:
                    now =
                    data = "Producers says: %s\n" % \
                        (now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
                    logging.debug('sending out to mqueue: %s', data)
                    os.ftruncate(mqueue_fd, 512)
                    with mmap.mmap(mqueue_fd, 0) as mqueue:
                        mqueue[0:len(data)] = data.encode('utf-8')
                    with mmap.mmap(mqueue_fd, 0,
                                access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as mqueue:
                        data = mqueue.readline().rstrip().decode('utf-8')
                        logging.debug('from mqueue: %s', data)
                        if data == last:
                            logging.debug('same as last time - skipping')
                            last = data
            except Exception as ex:                 # pylint: disable=broad-except
                logging.debug('error: %s', repr(ex))


    # main
    if __name__ == "__main__":


The following example demonstrates how to share memory over POSIX IPC between containers:

Pod containers sharing memory over POSIX IPC

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: pod-ipc-sharing-examples
    app: pod-ipc-sharing-examples
  type: ClusterIP
    app: pod-ipc-sharing-examples
  - name: ncat
    protocol: TCP
    port: 1234
    targetPort: ncat

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: pod-ipc-sharing-examples
    app: pod-ipc-sharing-examples
  replicas: 1
        app: pod-ipc-sharing-examples
      - name: shared-data
        emptyDir: {}

      # get and build the ipc shmem tool
      - name: builder-container
        image: golang:1.11
        command: ['sh', '-c', "export GOPATH=/src; go get"]
        - name: shared-data
          mountPath: /src

      # Producer
      - name: producer-container
        image: alpine
        command: ["/bin/sh"]

        - "-c"
        - >
          apk add -U util-linux;
          mkdir /lib64 && ln -s /lib/ /lib64/;
          ipcmk --shmem 1KiB;
          echo "ipcmk again as chmtool cant handle 0 SHMID";
          ipcmk --shmem 1KiB; > /pod-data/memaddr.txt;
          while true;
           do echo 'Main app (pod-ipc-sharing-examples) says: ' `date` | /pod-data/bin/shmtool open -s 1024 `ipcs -m | cut -d' ' -f 2 | sed  '/^$/d' | tail -1`;
              sleep 1;
        - name: shared-data
          mountPath: /pod-data

      # Consumer - read from the pipe and publish on 1234
      - name: consumer-container
        image: alpine
        command: ["/bin/sh"]
        - "-c"
        - >
          apk add --update coreutils util-linux;
          mkdir /lib64 && ln -s /lib/ /lib64/;
          sleep 3;
          (while true;
             do /pod-data/bin/shmtool read `ipcs -m | cut -d' ' -f 2 | sed  '/^$/d' | tail -1`;
                sleep 1;
             done) | stdbuf -i0 nc -l -k -p 1234
        - name: ncat
          containerPort: 1234
          protocol: TCP
        - name: shared-data
          mountPath: /pod-data

# test with:
#  $ nc `kubectl get service/pod-ipc-sharing-examples -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}"` 1234
#  Main app (pod-ipc-sharing-examples) says:  Tue May 7 20:46:03 UTC 2019
#  Main app (pod-ipc-sharing-examples) says:  Tue May 7 20:46:04 UTC 2019
#  Main app (pod-ipc-sharing-examples) says:  Tue May 7 20:46:05 UTC 2019
# $ kubectl delete deployment,svc -l app=pod-ipc-sharing-examples
# deployment.extensions "pod-ipc-sharing-examples" deleted
# service "pod-ipc-sharing-examples" deleted

The following example demonstrates how to share over a named pipe between containers:

Pod containers sharing over named pipe

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: pod-sharing-examples
    app: pod-sharing-examples
  type: ClusterIP
    app: pod-sharing-examples
  - name: ncat
    protocol: TCP
    port: 1234
    targetPort: ncat

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: pod-sharing-examples
    app: pod-sharing-examples
  replicas: 1
        app: pod-sharing-examples
      # lifecyle containers as hooks share state using volumes
      - name: shared-data
        emptyDir: {}

      # Setup the named pipe for inter-container communication
      - name: init-container
        image: alpine
        command: ['sh', '-c', "mkfifo /pod-data/piper"]
        - name: shared-data
          mountPath: /pod-data

      # Producer
      - name: producer-container
        image: alpine
        command: ["/bin/sh"]
        args: ["-c", "while true; do echo 'Main app (pod-sharing-examples) says: ' `date` >> /pod-data/piper; sleep 1;done"]
        - name: shared-data
          mountPath: /pod-data

      # Consumer - read from the pipe and publish on 1234
      - name: consumer-container
        image: alpine
        command: ["/bin/sh"]
        args: ["-c", "apk add --update coreutils; tail -f /pod-data/piper | stdbuf -i0 nc -l -k -p 1234"]
        - name: ncat
          containerPort: 1234
          protocol: TCP
        - name: shared-data
          mountPath: /pod-data

# test with:
#  $ nc `kubectl get service/pod-sharing-examples -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}"` 1234
#  Main app says:  Thu May 2 20:48:56 UTC 2019
#  Main app says:  Thu May 2 20:49:53 UTC 2019
#  Main app says:  Thu May 2 20:49:56 UTC 2019
# $ kubectl delete deployment,svc -l app=pod-sharing-examples
# deployment.extensions "pod-sharing-examples" deleted
# service "pod-sharing-examples" deleted

The following example demonstrates how to share over the localhost network between containers:

Pod containers sharing over localhost network

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  name: pod-sharing-network-examples
    app: pod-sharing-network-examples
  type: ClusterIP
    app: pod-sharing-network-examples
  - name: ncat
    protocol: TCP
    port: 5678
    targetPort: ncat

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: pod-sharing-network-examples
    app: pod-sharing-network-examples
  replicas: 1
        app: pod-sharing-network-examples
      # Producer
      - name: producer-container
        image: alpine
        command: ["/bin/sh"]
        args: ["-c", "apk add --update coreutils; (while true; do echo 'Main app (pod-sharing-network-examples) says: ' `date`; sleep 1; done) | stdbuf -i0 nc -lk -p 1234"]

      # Consumer - read from the local port and publish on 5678
      - name: consumer-container
        image: alpine
        command: ["/bin/sh"]
        args: ["-c", "apk add --update coreutils; nc localhost 1234 | stdbuf -i0 nc -l -k -p 5678"]
        - name: ncat
          containerPort: 5678
          protocol: TCP

    # test with:
    #  $ nc `kubectl get service/pod-sharing-network-examples -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}"` 5678
    #  Main app says:  Thu May 2 20:48:56 UTC 2019
    #  Main app says:  Thu May 2 20:49:53 UTC 2019
    #  Main app says:  Thu May 2 20:49:56 UTC 2019
    # $ kubectl delete deployment,svc -l app=pod-sharing-network-examples
    # deployment.extensions "pod-sharing-network-examples" deleted
    # service "pod-sharing-network-examples" deleted

Performance driven networking requirements are a concern with HPC. Often the solution is to bind an application directly to a specific host network adapter. Historically, the solution for this in containers has been to escalate the privileges of the container so that it is running in the host namespace, and this is achieved in in Kubernetes using the following approach:

    - name: my-privileged-container
        privileged: true

This SHOULD be avoided at all costs. This pushes the container into the host namespace for processes, network and storage. A critical side effect of this is that any port that the container consumes can conflict with host services, and will mean that ONLY a single instance of this container can run on any given host. Outside of these functional concerns, it is a serious source of security breach as the privileged container has full (root) access to the node including any applications (and containers) running there.

To date, the only valid exceptions discovered have been:

  • Core daemon services running for the Kubernetes and OpenStack control plane that are deployed as containers but are node level services.

  • Storage, Network, or Device Kubernetes plugins that need to deploy OS kernel drivers.

As a first step to resolving a networking issue, the Kubernetes and Platform management team should always be approached to help resolve architectural issues to avoid this approach. In the event of not being able to reconcile the requirement, then the following hostNetwork solution should be attempted first:

    - name: my-hostnetwork-container
        hostNetwork: true

Use of Services

Service resources should be defined in the same template file as the associated application deployment and ordered at the top. This will ensure that service related environment variables will be passed into the deployment at scheduling time. It is good practice to only have a single Service resource per deployment that covers the port mapping/exposure for each application port. It is also important to only have one deployment per Service as it will make debugging considerably harder mapping a Service to more than one application. As part of this, ensure that the selector definition is specific to the fully qualified deployment including release and version to prevent leakage across multiple deployment versions. Fully qualify port definitions with name, port, protocol and targetPort so that the interface is self documenting. Using names for targetPort the same as name is encouraged as this can give useful hints as to the function of the container interface.

Service resource with fully qualified port description and specific selector

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: tango-rest-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}
namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
labels: tango-rest-{{ template "" . }} "{{ .Release.Name }}" "{{ .Release.Service }}" "{{ template "tango-chart-example.chart" . }}"
  type: ClusterIP
  - name: rest
    protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: rest
  selector: tango-rest-{{ template "" . }} "{{ .Release.Name }}"

type: ClusterIP is the default and should almost always be used and declared. NodePort should only be used under exceptional circumstances as it will reserve a fixed port on the underlying node using up the limited node port address range resource.

Only expose ports that are actually needed external to the deployment. This will help reduce clutter and reduce the surface area for attack on an application.

Use of Ingress

A Helm chart represents an application to be deployed, so it follows that it is best practice to have a single Ingress resource per chart. This represents the single frontend for an application that exposes it to the outside world (relative to the Kubernetes cluster). If a chart seemingly requires multiple hostnames and/or has services that want to inhabit the same port or URI space, then consider splitting this into multiple charts so that the component application can be published independently.

It is useful to parameterise the control of SSL/TLS configuration so that this can be opted in to in various deployment strategies (as below).

One Ingress per chart with TLS parameterised

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: rest-api-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}
labels: rest-{{ template "" . }} "{{ .Release.Name }}" "{{ .Release.Service }}" "{{ template "tango-chart-example.chart" . }}"
  {{- range $key, $value := .Values.ingress.annotations }}
  {{ $key }}: {{ $value | quote }}
  {{- end }}
    - host: {{ .Values.ingress.hostname }}
          - path: /
              serviceName:  tango-rest-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}
              servicePort: 80
{{- if .Values.ingress.tls.enabled }}
    - secretName: {{ tpl .Values.ingress.tls.secretname . }}
        - {{ tpl .Values.ingress.hostname . }}
{{- end -}}

Scheduling and running cloud native application suites


Security covers many things, but this section will focus on RBAC and network Policies.


Kubernetes will implement role based access control which will be used to control external and internal user access to scheduling and consuming resources.

While it is possible to create serviceAccounts to modify the privileges for a deployment, this should generally be avoided so that the access control profile of the deploying user can be inherited at launch time.

Do not create ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding resources and/or allocate these to ServiceAccounts used in a deployment as these have extended system wide access rights. Role and RoleBinding are scoped to the deployment Namespace so limit the scope for damage.

Pod Security Policies

Pod Security Policies will affect what can be requested in the securityContext section.

It should be assumed that Kubernetes clusters will run restrictive Pod security policies, so it should be expected that:

  • Pods do not need to access resources outside the current Namespace.

  • Pods do not run as privileged: true and will not have privilege escalation.

  • hostNetwork activation will require discussion with operations.

  • hostIPC will be unavailable.

  • hostPID will be unavailable.

  • Containers should run as a non-root user.

  • host ports will be restricted.

  • host paths will be restricted (hostPath mounts).

  • it maybe required to have read only root filesystem (layer in container).

  • Capabilities maybe dropped and a restricted list put in place to determine what can be added.

  • it should be expected that the default service account credentials will NOT be mounted into the running containers by default - applications should rarely need to query the Kubernetes API, so access will be removed by default.

In general, only system level deployments such as Kubernetes control plane components (eg: adminsion controllers, device drivers, Operators, etc.) are the only deployments that should have cluster level rights.

Network Policies

Explicit Network Policies are encouraged to restrict unintended access across deployments, and to secure applications from some forms of intrusion.

The following restricts access to the deployed TangoDB to only the DatabaseDS application.

One Ingress per chart with TLS parameterised

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: tangodb-{{ template "" . }}-{{ .Release.Name }}-network-policy
    matchLabels: tangodb-{{ template "" . }} "{{ .Release.Name }}"
  - Ingress
  - Egress
  - from:
    - podSelector:
    # enable the DatabaseDS interface
 databaseds-{{ template "" . }}
 "{{ .Release.Name }}"
    - name: ds
      protocol: TCP
      port: 10000
  - to:
    # anywhere in the standard Pod Network address range to all ports
    - ipBlock:

Images, Tags, and pullPolicy

Only use images from trusted sources. In most cases this should be only from the official SKA Central Artefact Repository, with a few exceptions such as the core vender supported images for key services such as MySQL. It is anticipated that in the future the SKA will host mirrors and/or pull-through caches for key external software components, and will then firewall off access to external repositories that are not explicitly trusted.

As a general rule, stable image tags should be used for images that at least include the Major and Minor version number of Semantic Versioning eg: mysql:5.27. As curated images come from trusted sources, this ensures that the deployment process gets a functionally stable starting point that will still accrue bug fixing and security patching over time. Do NOT use the latest tag as it is likely that this will break your application in future as it gives no way of guaranteeing feature parity and stability.

In Helm Charts, it is good practice to parameterise the registry, image and tag of each container so that these can be varied in different environment deployments by changing values. Also parameterise the pullPolicy so that communication with the registry at container boot time can be easily turned on and off.

- name: tangodb
  image: "{{ .Values.tangodb.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.tangodb.image.image }}:{{ .Values.tangodb.image.tag }}"
  imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.tangodb.image.pullPolicy }}

Resource reservations and constraints

Compute platform level resources encompass:

  • Memory.

  • CPU.

  • Plugin based devices.

  • Extended resources - configured node level logical resources.

Resources can be either specified in terms of:

  • Limits - the maximum amount of resource a container is allowed to consume before it maybe restarted or evicted.

  • Requests - the amount of resource a container requires to be available before it will be scheduled.

Limits and requests are specified at the individual container level:

- name: tango-device-thing
      cpu: 4000m    # 4 cores
      memory: 512M  # 0.5GB 3
      cpu: 8000m    # 8 cores
      memory: 1024M  # 1GB

Resource requirements should be explicitly set both in terms of requests and limits (not normally applicable to extended resources) as this can be used by the scheduler to determine load balancing policy, and to determine when an application is misbehaving. These parameters should be set as configured values.yaml parameters.


Containers should be designed to cleanly crash - the main process should exit on a fatal error (no internal restart). This then will ensure that the configured livenessProbe and readinessProbe function correctly and where necessary, remove the affected Pod from Services ensuring that there are no dead service connections.


The SKA has adopted SKA Log Message Format as the logging standard to be used by all SKA software. This should be considered a base line standard and will be decorated with additional data by an infrastructure wide integrated logging solution (eg: ElasticStack). To ensure compliance with this, all containers must log to stdout/stderr and/or be configured to log to syslog. Connection to syslog should be configurable using standard container mechanisms such as mounted files (handled by ConfigMaps) or environment variables. This will ensure that any deployed application can be automatically plugged into the infrastructure wide logging and monitoring solution. A simple way to achieve this is to use a logging client library that is dynamically configurable for output destination such as import logging for Python.


Each Pod should have an application metrics handler that emits the adopted container standard format. For efficency purposes this should be amalgamated with the livenessProbe and readinessProbe.


Scheduling in Kubernetes enables the resources of the entire cluster to be allocated using a fine grained model. These resources can be partitioned according to user policies, namespaces, and quotas. The default scheduler is a comprehensive rules processing engine that should be able to satisfy most needs.

The primary mechanism for routing incoming tasks to execution is by having a labelling system throughout the cluster that reflects the distribution profile of workloads and types of resources required, coupled with Node and Pod affinity/anti-affinity rules. These are applied like a sieve to the available resources that the Scheduler keeps track of to determine if resources are available and where the next Pod can be placed.

Scheduling on Kubernetes behaves similarly to a force directed graph, in that the tensions between the interdependent rules form the pressures of the spring bars that influence relative placement across the cluster.

When creating scheduling constraints, attempt to keep them as generic as possible. Concentrate on declaring rules related to the individual Helm chart and the current chart in relation to any dependent charts (subcharts). Avoid coding in node specific requirements. Often it is more efficient to outsource the rules to the values.yaml file as they are almost guaranteed to change between environments.

{{- with .Values.nodeSelector }}
{{ toYaml . | indent 8 }}
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.affinity }}
{{ toYaml . | indent 8 }}
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.tolerations }}
{{ toYaml . | indent 8 }}
{{- end }}

Always remember that the Kubernetes API is declarative and expect that deployments will use the apply semantics of kubectl, with the scheduler constantly trying to move the system towards the desired state as and when resources become available as well as in response to failures. This means that scheduling is not guaranteed, so any downstream depedencies must be able to cope with that (also a tenent of micro-services architecture).

Examples of scheduling control patterns

The below scheduling scenarios are run using the following conditions:

  • container replicas launched using a sleep command in busybox, defined in a StatefulSet.

  • Specific node.

  • Type of node.

  • Density - 1 per node, n per node.

  • Position next another Pod - specific Pod, or Pod type.

  • Soft and hard rules.

  • A four node cluster - master and three minions.

  • The nodes have been split into two groups: rack01 - k8s-master-0 and k8s-minion-0, and rack02 - k8s-minion-1, and k8s-minion-2.

  • The master node has the labels:, and

The aim is to demonstrate how the scheduler works, and how to configure for the common use cases.

obs1 and obs2 - nodeAffinity

Use nodeSelector to force all 3 replicas onto rack: rack01 for obs1-rack01 and rack02 for obs2-rack02:

node select rack01 for obs1-rack01 and rack02 for obs2-rack02

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: obs1-rack01
    group: scheduling-examples
    app: obs1
  replicas: 3
      app: obs1
  serviceName: obs1
        group: scheduling-examples
        app: obs1
        description: node select rack01
      - image: busybox:1.28.3
        name: obs1-rack01
        command: ["sleep", "365d"]
        rack: rack01

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: obs2-rack02
    group: scheduling-examples
    app: obs2
  replicas: 3
      app: obs2
  serviceName: obs2
        group: scheduling-examples
        app: obs2
        description: node select rack02
      - image: busybox:1.28.3
        name: obs2-rack02
        command: ["sleep", "365d"]
        rack: rack02

Scenario obs1 - run 3 Pods on hosts allocated to rack01. Only nodes master-0, and minion-0 are used reflecting rack01.

NAME          DESC               STATUS  NODE
obs1-rack01-0 node select rack01 Running k8s-master-0
obs1-rack01-1 node select rack01 Running k8s-minion-0
obs1-rack01-2 node select rack01 Running k8s-master-0

and for Scenario obs2 - run 3 Pods on hosts allocated to rack02. Only minion-1 and minion-2 are used reflecting rack02.

NAME          DESC               STATUS  NODE
obs2-rack02-0 node select rack02 Running k8s-minion-2
obs2-rack02-1 node select rack02 Running k8s-minion-1
obs2-rack02-2 node select rack02 Running k8s-minion-2

obs3 - nodeAffinity exclussion

Use nodeAffinity operator: NotIn rules to exclude the master node from scheduling:

nodeAffinity NotIn master

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: obs3-node-affinity-not-master
    group: scheduling-examples
    app: obs3
  replicas: 4
      app: obs3
  serviceName: obs3
        group: scheduling-examples
        app: obs3
        description: nodeAffinity NotIn master
      - image: busybox:1.28.3
        name: obs3-node-affinity-not-master
        command: ["sleep", "365d"]
            - matchExpressions:
              - key:
                operator: NotIn
                - ""

Scenario obs3 - run 4 Pods on any host so long as they are not labelled In this case minion-0 and minion-1 have been selected minion-2 could also have been used.

NAME                            DESC                      STATUS  NODE
obs3-node-affinity-not-master-0 nodeAffinity NotIn master Running k8s-minion-1
obs3-node-affinity-not-master-1 nodeAffinity NotIn master Running k8s-minion-0
obs3-node-affinity-not-master-2 nodeAffinity NotIn master Running k8s-minion-1
obs3-node-affinity-not-master-3 nodeAffinity NotIn master Running k8s-minion-0

obs4 - nodeAntiAffinity

Use podAffinity (hard requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution) to position on the same node as obs1-rack01, and nodeAntiAffinity to (soft preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution) exclude the node labelled ‘’ from scheduling:

podAffinity require obs1-rack01, nodeAntiAffinity prefer headnode

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: obs4-pod-affinity-obs1-pref-not-headnode
    group: scheduling-examples
    app: obs4
  replicas: 5
      app: obs4
  serviceName: obs4
        group: scheduling-examples
        app: obs4
        description: podAffinity req obs1, nodeAntiAffinity pref headnode
      - image: busybox:1.28.3
        name: obs4-pod-affinity-obs1-pref-not-headnode
        command: ["sleep", "365d"]
          - labelSelector:
              - key: app
                operator: In
                - obs1
          - weight: 100
              - key:
                operator: NotIn
                - ""

Scenario obs4 - run 5 Pods using required Pod Affinity with obs1 and preferred Node Anti Affinity with headnode (master label). Pods have been scheduled on minion-0 and master-0 as this is where obs1 is. This is further compounded by the anti affinity rule with headnode where only one replica is on master-0.

NAME                                   DESC                                            STATUS  NODE
obs4-pod-affinity-obs1-pref-not-headnode-0 podAffinity req obs1, nodeAntiAffinity pref headnode Running k8s-minion-0
obs4-pod-affinity-obs1-pref-not-headnode-1 podAffinity req obs1, nodeAntiAffinity pref headnode Running k8s-minion-0
obs4-pod-affinity-obs1-pref-not-headnode-2 podAffinity req obs1, nodeAntiAffinity pref headnode Running k8s-minion-0
obs4-pod-affinity-obs1-pref-not-headnode-3 podAffinity req obs1, nodeAntiAffinity pref headnode Running k8s-master-0
obs4-pod-affinity-obs1-pref-not-headnode-4 podAffinity req obs1, nodeAntiAffinity pref headnode Running k8s-minion-0

obs5 - podAntiAffinity

Use podAntiAffinity (hard requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution) to ensure only one instance of self per node (topologyKey: “”), and podAffinity to require a position on the same node as obs3:

podAntiAffinity require self and podAffinity require obs3

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: obs5-pod-one-per-node-and-obs3
    group: scheduling-examples
    app: obs5
  replicas: 5
      app: obs5
  serviceName: obs5
        group: scheduling-examples
        app: obs5
        description: podAntiAffinity req self, podAffinity req obs3
      - image: busybox:1.28.3
        name: obs5-pod-one-per-node-and-obs3
        command: ["sleep", "365d"]
          - labelSelector:
              - key: app
                operator: In
                - obs5
            topologyKey: ""
          - labelSelector:
              - key: app
                operator: In
                - obs3
            topologyKey: ""

Scenario obs5 - run 3 Pods using required Pod Anti Affinity with self (force schedule one per node) and require Pod Affinity with obs3. This has forced scheduling of one per node, and because obs3 is only running on two different nodes the 3rd replica is in a constant state of Pending. Pod Affinity is described with a topology key that is

obs6 - Taint NoSchedule ie. the node identifier. The topology key sets the scope for implementing the rule, so could be a node, a group of nodes, an OS or device classificaton etc.

NAME                             DESC                                           STATUS  NODE
obs5-pod-one-per-node-and-obs3-0 podAntiAffinity req self, podAffinity req obs3 Running k8s-minion-0
obs5-pod-one-per-node-and-obs3-1 podAntiAffinity req self, podAffinity req obs3 Running k8s-minion-1
obs5-pod-one-per-node-and-obs3-2 podAntiAffinity req self, podAffinity req obs3 Pending <none>

First, the master node is tainted to disallow scheduling with kubectl cordon <master node>.

Use nodeSelector to force all 3 replicas onto rack: rack01, but this will fail to schedule as the taint will not allow it so subsequently forced onto minion-0:

node select rack01, but trapped by Taint NoSchedule

# kubectl taint nodes k8s-master-0 key1=value1:NoSchedule, or kubectl cordon k8s-master-0
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: obs6-rack01-taint
    group: scheduling-examples
    app: obs6
  replicas: 3
      app: obs6
  serviceName: obs6
        group: scheduling-examples
        app: obs6
        description: node select rack01, but trapped by Taint NoSchedule
      - image: busybox:1.28.3
        name: obs6-rack01-taint
        command: ["sleep", "365d"]
        rack: rack01

The resulting schedule is:

obs6-rack01-taint-0 1/1   Running 0        32s k8s-minion-0 <none>
obs6-rack01-taint-1 1/1   Running 0        31s k8s-minion-0 <none>
obs6-rack01-taint-2 1/1   Running 0        29s k8s-minion-0 <none>

For obs6, a StatefulSet that has nodeSelector:

rack: rack01

The result shows that of the two nodes (ks-master-0, and k8s-minion-0) in rack01, only k8s-minion-0 is available for these Pods.

obs7 - add toleration

Repeat obs6 as obs7 but add a toleration to the NoSchedule taint:

node select rack01, with Toleration to Taint NoSchedule

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: obs7-rack01-taint-and-toleration
    group: scheduling-examples
    app: obs7
  replicas: 3
      app: obs7
  serviceName: obs7
        group: scheduling-examples
        app: obs7
        description: node select rack01, with Tolleration to Taint NoSchedule
      - image: busybox:1.28.3
        name: obs7-rack01-taint-and-toleration
        command: ["sleep", "365d"]
        rack: rack01
      - key: "key1"
        operator: "Equal"
        value: "value1"
        effect: "NoSchedule"

Now with the added a Toleration to the Taint, we have the following:

NAME                                READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP              NODE NOMINATED NODE
obs7-rack01-taint-and-toleration-0 1/1   Running 0       33s k8s-minion-0 <none>
obs7-rack01-taint-and-toleration-1 1/1   Running 0       32s   k8s-master-0 <none>
obs7-rack01-taint-and-toleration-2 1/1   Running 0       31s k8s-minion-0 <none>

For a StatefulSet that has nodeSelector and Tolerations:

  rack: rack01
- key: "key1"
  operator: "Equal"
  value: "value1"
  effect: "NoSchedule"

The result shows that the two nodes k8s-master-0, and k8s-minion-0 in rack01, are available for these Pods.